
v1.0.1 2025-01-27 01:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-27 01:05:37 UTC


PHP tools to ease work



  • URL parser


  • node hierarchy class


What is the plan?

  • - db - database
  • - parser - URL parser
  • - structure - node hierarchy
  • - format - simple XML builder
  • - format - simple HTML builder

Bug report

None taken



Install with

composer install vosiz/va-tools

Update with (dependencies/required)

composer update

TOOLS - how to use them?

Parser - URL parser

Parses URL to user defined structure

Include classes, something like this:

use VaTools\Url\UrlStructure as UrlStruct;
use VaTools\Url\UrlParser as Parser;

Then you need to define structure model you want to use, like this:

// asuming structure www.myurl.com/<controller>/<action>?par=value... or something similar
// somethng like: wwww.myurl.com/user/profile/$userid=123...
$struct = UrlStruct::Create('www.myurl.com', ['controller', 'action']);

Pass it to a parser

$parser = new Parser($struct);

Access parts you need


Structure - Node hierarchy

Basically it is a node structure (tree, graph,...).

Lets setup this.

Include it to your project with desired method and use it f.e. like this:

use \VaTools\Structure\NodeHierarchy as Nodeh;

Setup root node:

$root = Nodeh::Create("ROOT");

Add children nodes as you need:

$node_left1 = Nodeh::Create("node_L1", $root);
$node_left2 = Nodeh::Create("node_L2", $node_left1);
$node_right1 = Nodeh::Create("node_R1", $root);

Or set parents as you need:

$node_orphan = Nodeh::Create("node_no_papa");

Add child or children explicetely (child(ren) setup will automatically set parent to them):


If needed to traverse node mesh (in-depth):

    $path = []; // here are names of nodes
    $node = $root;
    do {
        $path[] = $node->GetName();
        $node = $node->Next(); // step deeper or continue, NULL is end