
Laravel Illuminate Romans Integration

v3.0.0 2022-03-07 09:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 15:57:59 UTC


Laravel Illuminate Romans Integration

Build Status Latest Stable Version License


This package provides a Laravel integration for Romans library, providing tools to filter string with a Roman number to int and vice-versa.


This package uses Composer as default repository. You can install it adding the name of package in require attribute of composer.json, pointing to the last stable version.

  "require": {
    "wandersonwhcr/illuminate-romans": "^3.0"


This package provides facades and helpers to use with Laravel projects. Also, it was developed as a Laravel Package to automatically configure services inside application.


Illuminate Romans provides a couple of facades to convert a string with Roman number to int and an Integer to a string that represents the input as Roman number.

use Illuminate\Romans\Support\Facades\IntToRoman as IntToRomanFacade;
use Illuminate\Romans\Support\Facades\RomanToInt as RomanToIntFacade;

$value = 'MCMXCIX';

$value = RomanToIntFacade::filter($value); // 1999
$value = IntToRomanFacade::filter($value); // MCMXCIX


Also, this package includes helpers as a bridge to facades.

$value = 'MCMXCIX';

$value = roman_to_int($value); // 1999
$value = int_to_roman($value); // MCMXCIX


You can use Docker Compose to build an image and run a container to develop and test this package.

docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm romans composer install
docker-compose run --rm romans composer test


This package is opensource and available under MIT license described in LICENSE.