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An example application using the Wave Framework

0.5.1 2012-12-14 01:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 14:23:34 UTC


An example application to get started with the Wave framework.

To get started first install Composer

$ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Then create a new wave-framework/scaffolding-app project

The simplest thing to do is just clone the master branch, (dev-master), e.g.

$ composer.phar create-project wave-framework/scaffolding-app ./test dev-master

Then you can run a few of the setup scripts, but at the very minimum you need to generate the routes cache

$ cd test
$ ./vendor/bin/wave generate/routes
Regenerating Routes...  done

You can also have a script populate the default database configuration by running

$ ./vendor/bin/wave install

Manually regenerating views can be done with

$ ./vendor/bin/wave generate/views

In development mode views are automatically regenerated when they change.

Apache configuration

Wave requires Apache mod_rewrite (or an equivilent that can transform each request into public/index.php).

A typical VirtualHost configuration might look something like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName wave-app.localhost

  DocumentRoot /var/www/wave-app/public
  <Directory /var/www/wave-app/public>
     # Rewrite directives are set in public/.htaccess. Move
     # them here if you prefer to leave AllowOverride None
     AllowOverride all
  # Consolidate log files into the same directory the app logs
  # go into.
  ErrorLog /var/www/wave-app/logs/web_error.log
  CustomLog /var/www/wave-app/logs/web_access.log common

Once you have configured your Apache environment you should be able to browse to the application in your browser and be met with a welcome page (and an obligatory gold star).