D3I (Dynamic Decorator Dependency Injection) is a replacement of Pimple

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2015-12-20 19:40 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-15 19:51:31 UTC


D3I (Dynamic Decorator Dependency Injection) is a replacement of Pimple which I suggest to use for Silex-alike frameworks.

Main Definitions


The Container objects are for keeping services and other values (eg. configuration setting values). You can access for all values by using property access (arrow-style: ->key) and array item access (brackets-style: [key]).

When you accessing an item as a property and its a Provider, the provider will be called and you will give its service:

$container = new Container();
$container->my_service = Provider::Create(function(Container $c) {...return $service;})->share(); // registering a service
$service = $container->my_service; // getting the unique instance of the "my_service" service


This is for encapsulating a service to be registered. You can get, share, protect, or extend a service by using this class.

Getting a service:

$service = $provider($container);

Sharing a service:


Protecting a service will always returning a new instance of a service when getting from container:


Extending a service:

$extendedProvider = $provider->extend(function(Container $c, $s) {
	// ...using of parent container
	$foo = $c['foo'] + 1;
	// ...using of parent service
	return $s;

...or using a provider extension:

$container->my_extension = Provider::Create(function(Container $c, $s=null) {
	// checking whether if extending a service or not:
	if ($s === null) return new Service(); // returning a simple service rather than extending it

	// ...using of parent container
	$foo = $c['foo'] + 1;
	// ...using of parent service
	return $s; // returns the extended service
$extendedProvider = $container['my_service']->extend($container['my_extension']);

This last way of extending is useful when you want to use an extension as a standalone service too.

Query Parser

D3I uses a special accessing style, let we call as D3I queries. You can use it by both property and array access but we suggest to use it only by array access.

By D3I queries you can access to sub-items by using a single-line query as a container key, without the need of accessing it by level to level. Useful when you want to refer to services or settings in a setting and want to access to the referred item quickly.

For example, let we have a configuration setting, creating a service based on the setting, and accessing a setting by using a D3I query:

$container = Container::Create([
	'my_service'	=> [
		'settings'	=> [
			'welcome_str' => 'Hello %s!'

class MyService {
	public $settings;
	function __construct($settings) {
		$this->settings = $settings;
	function getWelcome($to = 'World') {
		// getting the welcome_str property by querying service
		return sprintf($container['@my_service.settings.welcome_str'], $to);

$container->my_service = Provider::Create(function(Container $c) {
	// getting original settings by accessing the mutated original value of this provider
	return new MyService($c['!my_service.settings']);
	->mutate($container['my_service']) // mutate the original value before of overlapping it

echo $container->my_service->getWelcome();
// -> "Hello World!"

You can also use "#" (hash mark) for annotate an integer key of an array.

Contribution and Legal info

Please, feel free to contribute!

Choosed licence for this project is WTFPL, therefore see it to know the conditions. Thank you!