
A simple Silex service provider for declaring multi-lingual (I18N) routes

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2015-12-10 12:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 20:43:54 UTC


A simple Silex service provider for declaring multi-lingual (I18N) routes


First: register the provider

$app->register(new \Sir\SirServiceProvider($app));

You can define multiple route configurations loader. For example:

// SIR registered before
$routesData = json_decode(file_get_contents('routes.json'), true);
$app['sir']->add(new \Sir\ArrayLoader($routesData));
$app['sir']->add(new \Sir\CallbackLoader(function($language) use ($app) {
	if (!isset($app['i18nroutes'][$language])) throw new \Exception();
	return $app['i18nroutes'][$language];
$app->mount($app['sir']->getNodeRoute('blog'), \Acme\Controllers\BlogActions::init($app));
$app->mount($app['sir']->getNodeRoute('pagecontent'), \Acme\Controllers\PageActions::init($app));

A possible code for blog controller collection is (<...>/Controllers/BlogActions.php):

namespace Acme\Controllers

use Silex\Application;
use Silex\ControllerCollection;

class BlogActions {
	 * @param Application $app
	 * @return ControllerCollection
	public static function init(Application $app) {
		// loads all routes defined for "blog" node, used classes and defined actions must be exists
		$controllers = $app['sir']->registerRoutes('blog');
		return $controllers;

Example contents of routes.json file:

	'en': {
		'blog': {
			'path': '/blog',
			'controller': 'Acme\\Controllers\\Blog\\',
			'routes': [{
				'path': '/post/{id}',
				'action': 'PostsAction::get',
				'assert': {'id': '\\d+'},
				'bind': 'blog_get_post'
			}, {
				'method': 'POST',
				'path': '/post/{id}',
				'action': 'PostsAction::post',
				'assert': {'id': '\\d+'}
			}, {
				'path': '/',
				'action': 'PostsAction::list'
		'pagecontent': {
			'path': '/page',
			'controller': 'Acme\\Controllers\\Page\\',
			'default_resolver': 'PagesAction::get',
			'routes': [{
				'path': '/{path}'
			}, {
				'path': '/{path}',
				'method': 'POST',
				'action': 'PagesAction::post'
	'hu': {
		'blog': {
			'path': '/naplóm',
			'controller': 'Acme\\Controllers\\Blog\\',
			'routes': [{
				'path': '/bejegyzés/{id}',
				'action': 'PostsAction::get',
				'assert': {'id': '\\d+'},
				'bind': 'blog_get_post'
		}, {
				'method': 'POST',
				'path': '/bejegyzés/{id}',
				'action': 'PostsAction::post',
				'assert': {'id': '\\d+'}
			}, {
				'path': '/',
				'action': 'GetList'
		'pagecontent': {
			'path': '/oldal',
			'controller': 'Acme\\Controllers\\Page\\',
			'default_resolver': 'PagesAction::get',
			'routes': [{
				'path': '/{path}'
			}, {
				'path': '/{path}',
				'method': 'POST',
				'action': 'PagesAction::post'

Possible route items options

Getting more help on handling I18N routes

By using Sir\SirTrait trait in your Application you can get help for multi-lingual content redirection when switching between languages.

Initialize the trait

You must be use the before middleware of Silex for getting use the helper methods:

// instancing your Silex application, etc.
$app->before(function (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) use ($app) {
	$app->sirBeforeMiddleware(); // storing important routing data in session
$app->initRedirector(); // adding redirect controller used by redirectSir() method

Now you can get the most important routing information whenever and wherever you want by calling getSirRoute():

$routeData = $app->getSirRoute();
	Could contains something like:
	- name: blog_get_post
	- args:
		- id: 42
	- get:
		- highlight: "searched,keywords,list"

...and can use redirectSir() for generating a redirection response to switching locale and redirect to the locale-equivalent of current route:

// any controller code
return $app->redirectSir('hu'); // This will be changes current locale to "hu" and redirects the user agent

The method redirectSir() has 3 more arguments detailed below:

  • $routeName: for defining a different route than the current one
  • $args: for defining different route arguments than the currents are
  • $get: for defining different HTTP GET parameters than the currents are

On redirection, SIR adding an X-Sir-Redirection HTTP header with value of 1 and _locale_switched_from GET parameter to the response, this could be checked on redirected target to be getting informed about the reason of redirection.

Suggestions for usage

\Sir\ArrayLoader could be used best for loading static routes from configuration files, while \Sir\CallbackLoader could be better for use as dynamic contents route provider eg. from database storage using any ORM or pure PHP to access to it.

There is an easy way for defining custom loader classes by implementing \Sir\LoaderInterface.

Feedback notice

This is a flexible but very light-weight solution for handling multi-lingual routes, not a space-ship. Please, consider use it as is.

Any constructive feedbacks, suggestions/contributing kindly welcomed by Assarte (the author)!