
A simple php class that allows for the retrieval of nested object without null checks

1.2.0 2023-08-01 12:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:07:06 UTC


A simple class to get a nested property or array key from an array or nested property.


Having gone through several weeks of is_null($object) checks and not being able to reliably depend on the api's output I was using to always have the objects I decided this method needed to be made. Now I can do the following without the fear of running into a null or other random object that the api responds with:

public function getThatThingIWant($apiResponse)
    return $nestis->getNestedItem('someObject/someOtherProperty/itemIWant',$apiResponse);

instead of :

public function getThatThingIWant($apiResponse)
   $someObject = $apiResponse->getSomeObject();
        $someOtherProperty = $someObject->getSomeOtherProperty();
            return $someOtherProperty->getItemIWant();
   return null;

It works on arrays,objects,public properties, public methods,get{{propertyname}} and is{{propertyname}} and public static properties

Separator is / For static properties use ::{yourvarname} (e.g. testItem/::someStaticVar)

Also works great with json objects.

Using it in your project

First add it to your project using composer

./composer require webdevvie/nestis

In your project use the class.

use Webdevvie\Nestis;

then try it out!

use Webdevvie\Nestis\Nestis;

$nested = (object)["test"=>(object)["layer1"=>['layer2'=>(object)['layer3'=>'downtherabbithole']]]];

$nestis = new Nestis();
$item = $nestis->getNestedItem('test/layer1/layer2',$nested,null);


This will output:

stdClass Object
    [test] => stdClass Object
            [layer1] => Array
                    [layer2] => stdClass Object
                            [layer3] => downtherabbithole



stdClass Object
    [layer3] => downtherabbithole


If you like this library. Find me on twitter @webdevvie or my personal site johnbakker.name and say hello