
1.9.1 2024-09-04 15:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 16:46:49 UTC


Symfony bundle for webfactory/content-mapping-destinationadapter-solarium, easing your synchronization life via simple configuration, a services and a console command.


Install the package via composer:

composer require webfactory/content-mapping-destinationadapter-solarium-bundle

and enable two bundles in your app kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    // ...
    $bundles[] = new Webfactory\ContentMappingDestinationAdapterSolariumBundle\WebfactoryContentMappingDestinationAdapterSolariumBundle();
    $bundles[] = new Nelmio\SolariumBundle\NelmioSolariumBundle();
    // ...

and finally, configure the endpoint for the Solarium client (currently, only the default client with the default endpoint is supported):

// app/config.yml

            dsn: http://localhost:8983/solr/your-core

# for SolariumBundle 3.x (beta)            
            host: localhost
            port: 8983
            core: your-core


The bundle provides a service called contentmapping.destinationadapter.solarium which you can use to define a Synchronizer service inside the webfactory/content-mapping mini framework:

<!-- Resources/config/services.xml -->

<!-- Synchronizer for MyEntity --->
<service class="Webfactory\ContentMapping\Synchronizer">
    <!-- SourceAdapter -->
    <argument type="service">
        <service class="Webfactory\ContentMapping\SourceAdapter\Doctrine\GenericDoctrineSourceAdapter">
            <!-- Doctrine Repository -->
            <argument type="service">
                <service class="MyVendor\MyBundle\Entity\MyEntityRepository" factory-service="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" factory-method="getRepository">
            <!-- Name of the repository method to query -->
            <argument type="string">findForSolrIndex</argument>

    <!-- Mapper -->
    <argument type="service">
        <service class="MyVendor\MyBundle\ContentMapping\MyEntityMapper" />

    <!-- DestinationAdapter -->
    <argument type="service" id="contentmapping.destinationadapter.solarium"/>

    <!-- PSR3-logger -->
    <argument type="service" id="logger" />
    <tag name="monolog.logger" channel="solr" />
    <!-- Tag to mark the service as a Synchronizer -->
    <tag name="contentmapping.synchronizer" objectclass="\JugendFuerEuropa\Bundle\JugendInAktionBundle\Entity\Mitarbeiter" />

<!-- other Synchronizers --->

As a bonus, this bundle provides you with a console command for deleting data from the solr index matching a query:

app/bin content-mapping:solarium:delete-from-index [query=*:*]

Credits, Copyright and License

This project was started at webfactory GmbH, Bonn.

Copyright 2015-2022 webfactory GmbH, Bonn. Code released under the MIT license.