
USPS API wrapper for Laravel framework

v1.1.2 2023-06-30 06:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:45:49 UTC


This package provides a very simple wrapper for the United States Postal Service API. Currently, this package only provides address validation features, but will soon comprise all features offered by the USPS API.


Be sure to register at www.usps.com/webtools/ to receive your unique user ID from the United States Postal Service. This user ID is required to use this package.


composer require webreinvent/laravel-usps


There are three important configurations.

  1. Your USPS user ID:

    • If you have not received your USPS user ID, follow the link in the prerequisites section to register with the United States Postal Service. It is required to use this package.
  2. Whether you want SSL verification enabled for API requests:

    • This setting is set to true by default for security reasons. You can override this behavior by setting the verrifyssl config setting to false. Do this at your own risk.
  3. Which environment you are working in:

    • The options are 'local' and 'production' which tell the package which API url to use, testing or production respectively. If no configuration is found for env, it will default to the environment recognized by laravel. This setting takes precedence over APP_ENV from your .env file.

We recommend placing all configuration settings in your .env file and use Laravel's env() helper function to access these values.

In config/services.php add these three settings.

'usps' => [

    'userid' => env('USPS_USER_ID'), // string
    'verifyssl' => env('USPS_VERIFY_SSL'), // bool
    'env' => env('USPS_ENV') //string


The current features offered by this package are:

Address Validation

The Address class handles creating and formatting address data. Pass the constructor an associative array of address details. Array keys are case-sensitive. Below is an example of creating an address and making an api request for validation.

use WebReinvent\Usps\Address;

$address = new Address([
    'Address2' => '6406 Ivy Lane',
    'City' => 'Greenbelt',
    'State' => 'MD',
    'Zip5' => 20770

$response = $address->validate();

The USPS api supports up to 5 address validations per request. If you need to validate more than one address at a time, pass an array of addresses to the Address constructor.

use WebReinvent\Usps\Address;

$address1 = [
    'Address2' => '6406 Ivy Lane',
    'City' => 'Greenbelt',
    'State' => 'MD',
    'Zip5' => 20770

$address2 = [
    'Address2' => '2185 Sandy Drive',
    'City' => 'Franklin',
    'State' => 'VA',
    'Zip5' => 32050

$addresses = new Address([$address1, $address2]);

$response = $addresses->validate();

The response will contain the corrected address, or an error if not enough information was given or the address does not exists.

Response Formatting

You can specify the format of the response by passing an optional, case-insensitive parameter to the validate method. The default format is an associative array.

$address = new Address([/* address info */ ]);

$json = $address->validate('json');
$object = $address->validate('object');
$string = $address->validate('string');