
WeMakeCustom Doctrine Naming Strategy

v1.0 2016-02-26 16:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 19:55:01 UTC


This naming strategy is based on Doctrine's own UnderscoreNamingStrategy.

The only difference is that table names are pluralized (users and user_pictures instead of user and user_picture). Join key column names are kept in singular form (user_id).

WARNING: We recommend you use this naming strategy from the very beginning of your project. If you change the naming strategy mid-way, all your tables' name will change and this might create an unpleasant situation.


With Symfony

The best way to install this extension is through composer:

First, require the bundle:

composer require wemakecustom/doctrine-naming-strategy-bundle "^1.0"

Second, enable it:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new WMC\DoctrineNamingStrategyBundle\WMCDoctrineNamingStrategyBundle(),
        // ...

Third and finally, configure doctrine to use it:

# config.yml

        naming_strategy: wmc.doctrine.orm.naming_strategy

and you're done.

With a pure Doctrine

The best way to install this extension is through composer:

First, require the bundle:

composer require wemakecustom/doctrine-naming-strategy-bundle "^1.0"

Then give the naming strategy to doctrine's configuration:


$namingStrategy = new \WMC\DoctrineNamingStrategyBundle\ORM\NamingStrategy();