
A set of simple Str & Stringable macros helping to implement typographic rules

v1.0.1 2024-07-26 12:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 14:08:37 UTC


Rendering strings provided by users can result in unexpected typographic results. For instance, in most latin languages (such as french) it is recommended to add a non-breaking space in front of, amongst others, exclamation or question marks (! and ?). Most users will probably just type a regular space, which could result in an unwanted line break just before these punctuation marks.

This simple package provides a typography macro for Laravel's Str facade and Stringable instances (created using Str::of() or str()) that will take care of these typographic details.

It is also possible to enhance this package by adding your own typographic rules.

$content = 'Mama mia !';

echo str($content)->typography();
Mama mia !


composer require whitecube/laravel-string-typography

Getting started

The package's ServiceProvider and therefore its typography macro will automatically be registered upon installation. You can start using it right away:

{{-- Using the "Str" facade --}}
<h1>{!! Str::typography($title) !!}</h1>

{{-- Using the "str()" helper --}}
<p>{!! str($paragraph)->typography() !!}</p>

Using Stringable instances, you can chain typography with other helper methods:

<div>{!! str($text)->markdown()->typography() !!}</div>


Since the transformed strings contain HTML entities (such as &nbsp;), don't forget to render them using {!! !!} instead of {{ }} in your Blade templates.

Default typographic rules

Key Usage Description
non-breaking-punctuation Remove unwanted line breaks in front of punctuation Replaces !, ?, :, ; with &nbsp;!, &nbsp;?, &nbsp;:, &nbsp;; respectively.
hellip Use the correct "horizontal ellipsis" HTML entity Replaces &#8230;, &#x2026;, ..., with &hellip;.

Registering & removing typographic rules

use Whitecube\Strings\Typography;

    key: 'a-to-b',
    regex: '/a/',
    callback: fn(array $matches) => 'b',

By default all the previously registered typographic rules will be applied when using the new typography method. It is possible to globally remove one of them using:

use Whitecube\Strings\Typography;


Filtering typographic rules

Call a single or a few specific rules:

<div>{!! str($text)->typography(only: 'hellip') !!}</div>
<div>{!! str($text)->typography(only: ['hellip', 'non-breaking-punctuation']) !!}</div>

Call all rules except a single or a few specific unwanted rules:

<div>{!! str($text)->typography(except: 'hellip') !!}</div>
<div>{!! str($text)->typography(except: ['hellip', 'non-breaking-punctuation']) !!}</div>

🔥 Sponsorships

If you are reliant on this package in your production applications, consider sponsoring us! It is the best way to help us keep doing what we love to do: making great open source software.


Feel free to suggest changes, ask for new features or fix bugs yourself. We're sure there are still a lot of improvements that could be made, and we would be very happy to merge useful pull requests. Thanks!

Made with ❤️ for open source

At Whitecube we use a lot of open source software as part of our daily work. So when we have an opportunity to give something back, we're super excited!

We hope you will enjoy this small contribution from us and would love to hear from you if you find it useful in your projects. Follow us on Twitter for more updates!