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Zend Framework 2 module providing integration with the Mustache rendering engine.

dev-master 2015-11-18 11:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 18:57:57 UTC



Zend Framework 2 module providing integration with mustache.php rendering engine



Composer installation

  1. cd my/project/directory

  2. create a composer.json file with following content:

        "require": {
            "widmogrod/zf2-mustache-module": "dev-master"
  3. run php composer.phar install

  4. open my/project/folder/configs/application.config.php and add 'Mustache' to your 'modules' parameter.

How to add Mustache rendering to ZF2

Add to your Application module config file (module.config.php) new rendering strategy as following:

return array(

    'view_manager' => array(
        // add this
        'strategies' => array(

How to configure partials

Add to your Application module config file (module.config.php)

return array(

    'mustache' => array(
        'partials_loader' => array( __DIR__ . '/../view/partials')