
A helper for making exceptions play nice with PSR-3 logging

v2.1.1 2025-01-25 20:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 05:24:21 UTC


Latest Stable Version License


A minimal library to facilitate PSR-3-friendly exception handling.

Additional documentation about the library can be found on


The NormalizedException library provides an INormalizedException interface that exception classes can use to support a standardized way of logging their error messages in a PSR-3 compatible manner.

If you don't care about the exception class, you can use the standard implementation:

use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\NormalizedException;

throw new NormalizedException( 'Invalid value: {value}', [ 'value' => $value ] );
use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\INormalizedException;

try {
} catch ( INormalizedException $e ) {
	$psr3Logger->error( $e->getNormalizedMessage(), $e->getMessageContext() );
	echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

To make a specific exception class normalized, if it's constructed from a message and optionally an error code and a previous exception (like most PHP core exceptions), you can use a trait and a default constructor provided by that trait:

use Exception
use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\INormalizedException;
use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\NormalizedExceptionTrait;

class MyException extends Exception implements INormalizedException {
	use NormalizedExceptionTrait {
		NormalizedExceptionTrait::normalizedConstructor as __construct;
throw new MyException( 'Invalid value!' );
throw new MyException( 'Invalid value: {value}', [ 'value' => $value ] );
throw new MyException( 'Invalid value: {value}', [ 'value' => $value ], /* code */ -1, $previous );

Exceptions with different parameters need their own constructor:

use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\INormalizedException;
use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\NormalizedExceptionTrait;

class MyException extends SomeException implements INormalizedException {
	use NormalizedExceptionTrait;

	public function __construct(
		string $normalizedMessage,
		array $messageContext = [],
	) {
		// these properties are defined by the trait and must be set
		$this->normalizedMessage = $normalizedMessage;
		$this->messageContext = $messageContext;

		// replaces the PSR-3 tokens
		$message = self::getMessageFromNormalizedMessage( $normalizedMessage, $messageContext );

		parent::__construct( $message, $otherParam1, $otherParam2 );

Running tests

composer install --dev
composer test


This library was split out of MediaWiki changeset 670465 during the MediaWiki 1.37 development cycle.