
Symfony bundle providing useful Toolforge features.

Installs: 17 249

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 13

Watchers: 12

Forks: 4


1.7.0 2024-05-24 06:18 UTC


A Symfony 4/5 bundle that provides some common parts of web-based tools in Wikimedia Toolforge.


  • OAuth user authentication against Meta Wiki.
  • Internationalization with the Intuition and jQuery.i18n libraries.
  • Interface to connect and query the replica databases
  • PHP Code Sniffer ruleset
  • Base Wikimedia UI stylesheet (LESS)

Still to come:

  • Universal Language Selector (ULS)
  • Localizable routes
  • OOUI
  • CSSJanus
  • Addwiki
  • Critical error reporting to tool maintainers' email

Packagist License GitHub issues Build Status

Please report all issues either on Github or on Phabricator (tagged with community-tech).

Table of Contents


New project

To get a new project up and running quickly first make sure you've got Composer and the Symfony CLI installed and then use the Toolforge Skeleton:

composer create-project wikimedia/toolforge-skeleton ./my-cool-tool
cd my-cool-tool
symfony server:start -d

Navigate to http://localhost:8000 and you should see your new tool up and running.

Existing project

Install the code in an existing Symfony project:

composer require wikimedia/toolforge-bundle

Register the bundle in your AppKernel:

class AppKernel extends Kernel {
    public function registerBundles() {
        $bundles = [
            new Wikimedia\ToolforgeBundle\ToolforgeBundle(),
        return $bundles;

Or config/bundles.php

Wikimedia\ToolforgeBundle\ToolforgeBundle::class => ['dev' => true],



The bundle creates three new routes /login, /oauth_callback, and /logout. Your application should have a route called home. You need to register these with your application by adding the following to your config/routes.yaml file (or equivalent):

  resource: '@ToolforgeBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml'

To configure OAuth, first apply for an OAuth consumer on Meta Wiki with a callback URL of <your-base-url>/oauth_callback and add the consumer key and secret to your .env file. Then connect these to your application's config with the following in config/packages/toolforge.yaml:

    consumer_key: '%env(OAUTH_KEY)%'
    consumer_secret: '%env(OAUTH_SECRET)%'

If you need to authenticate to a different wiki, you can also set the toolforge.oauth.url parameter to the full URL to Special:OAuth.

Add a login link to the relevant Twig template (often base.html.twig), e.g.:

{% if logged_in_user() %}
  {{ msg( 'toolforge-logged-in-as', [ logged_in_user().username ] ) }}
  <a href="{{ path('toolforge_logout') }}">{{ msg('toolforge-logout') }}</a>
{% else %}
  <a href="{{ path('toolforge_login') }}">{{ msg('toolforge-login') }}</a>
{% endif %}

The internationalization parts of this are explained below. The OAuth-specific part is the logged_in_user(), which is a bungle-provided Twig function that gives you access to the currently logged-in user.

While in development, it can be useful to not have to log your user in all the time. To force login of a particular user (but note that you still have to click the 'login' link), add a logged_in_user key to your config/packages/toolforge.yml file, e.g.:

    logged_in_user: '%env(LOGGED_IN_USER)%'

In controllers, you can test whether the user is logged in by checking:


Redirecting after login

After the user logs in, you may want to redirect them back to the page they originally tried to view, instead of the home route. To do this, first make sure you registered your OAuth consumer to accept a callback URL using the "Allow consumer to specify a callback..." option. The value for the callback would for example be

The implementation in your views is best explained by example. Let's assume the current page the user sees shows a login link, and you want to redirect them back to the same page after they authenticate. The code in your Twig template should look something like:

<a href="{{ path('toolforge_login', {'callback': url('toolforge_oauth_callback', {'redirect': app.request.uri})}) }}">Login</a>

Here app.request.uri evaluates to the current URL the user is viewing. It is provided as the redirect for the oauth_callback route, which is provided as the callback for the login route. The URL for the login link ends up being something like:

Note the double-encoding of the URL used for the value of redirect. In this example the user will ultimately be redirected back to

Internationalization (Intuition and jQuery.i18n)

Internationalization is handled similarly to how it is done in MediaWiki, with translated strings being stored in i18n/ directories. The bundle comes with some strings of its own, all prefixed with toolforge_; it is recommended that these are used where possible because it reduces the work for translators.

1. PHP

In PHP, set your application's i18n 'domain' with the following in config/packages/toolforge.yaml:

        domain: 'app-name-here'

You can inject (the bundle's subclass of) Intuition into your controllers via type hinting, e.g.:

public function indexAction( Request $request, \Wikimedia\ToolforgeBundle\Service\Intuition $intuition ) { /*...*/ }

The following Twig functions and filters are available:

  • msg( msg, params ) string Get a single message.
  • bdi( text ) string Wrap a string with tags for bidirectional isolation
  • msg_exists( msg ) bool Check to see if a given message exists.
  • msg_if_exists( msg, params ) string Get a message if it exists, or else return the provided string.
  • lang( lang ) string The code of the current or given language.
  • lang_name( lang ) string The name of the current or given language.
  • all_langs() string[] List of all languages defined in JSON files in the i18n/ directory (code => name).
  • is_rtl() bool Whether the current language is right-to-left.
  • git_tag() string The current Git tag, or the short hash if there are no tags.
  • git_branch() string The current Git branch.
  • git_hash() string The current Git hash.
  • git_hash_short() string The short version of the current Git hash.
  • <number>|num_format int|float Format a number according to the current Locale.
  • <strings>|list_format string[] Format an array of strings as a separated inline-list. In English this is comma-separate with 'and' before the last item.

2. Javascript

In Javascript, you need to do three things to enable internationalisation:

  1. Add the following to your main JS file (e.g. app.js) or webpack.config.js:

  2. This to your HTML template (before your app.js):

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    {% include '@toolforge/i18n.html.twig' %}

    (The jQuery can be left out if you're already loading that through other means.)

  3. And symlink your i18n/ directory from public/i18n/, so that the language files can be loaded by from Javascript.

Then you can get i18n messages anywhere with: $.i18n( 'msg-name', paramOne, paramTwo )

Replicas connection manager

If your tool connects to multiple databases on the Toolforge replicas, you can take advantage of ToolforgeBundle's ReplicasClient service to ensure your application opens no more connections than it needs to.

For this to work, you first need to add the following to your config/packages/doctrine.yaml:

        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S1)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S1)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S2)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S2)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S3)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S3)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S4)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S4)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S5)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S5)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S6)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S6)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S7)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S7)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
        host: '%env(REPLICAS_HOST_S8)%'
        port: '%env(REPLICAS_PORT_S8)%'
        user: '%env(REPLICAS_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(REPLICAS_PASSWORD)%'
      # If you need to work with toolsdb
        host: '%env(TOOLSDB_HOST)%'
        port: '%env(TOOLSDB_PORT)%'
        user: '%env(TOOLSDB_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(TOOLSDB_PASSWORD)%'
      # If you need to work with a Trove database
        host: '%env(TROVE_HOST)%'
        port: '%env(TROVE_PORT)%'
        user: '%env(TROVE_USERNAME)%'
        password: '%env(TROVE_PASSWORD)%'

Also adding the REPLICAS_HOST_, REPLICAS_USERNAME, REPLICAS_PASSWORD and each REPLICAS_PORT_ to .env as necessary. If new sections are added (which is rare), you will need to update these accordingly.

In production, the REPLICAS_HOST_S1 variables should be (or analytics instead of web), and similarly for each section. The REPLICAS_PORT_ vars should be 3306 in production. For local environments, use for the host vars and any safe range of ports (such as 4711 for s1, 4712 for s2, and so on).

Next, establish an SSH tunnel to the replicas (only necessary on local environments):

php bin/console toolforge:ssh

Use the --bind-address flag to change the binding address, if needed. This may be necessary for Docker installations.

If you need to work against tools-db, pass the --toolsdb flag and make sure the TOOLSBD_ env variables are set correctly. Unless you have a private database, you should be able to use the same username and password as REPLICAS_USERNAME and REPLICAS_PASSWORD.

If you need to work against a Trove database, pass the --trove flag, supplying the hostname, and make sure the TROVE_ env variables are set correctly. The credentials for this are separate from the replicas and toolsdb.

If your Toolforge UNIX shell username is different than your local, you'll need to specify it with --username.

To query the replicas, inject the ReplicasClient service then call the getConnection() method, passing in a valid database, and you should get a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection object. For example:

# src/Controller/MyController.php
public function myMethod(ReplicasClient $client) {
    $frConnection = $client->getConnection('frwiki');
    $frUserId = $frConnection->executeQuery("SELECT user_id FROM user LIMIT 1")->fetch();
    $ruConnection = $client->getConnection('ruwiki');
    $ruUserId = $ruConnection->executeQuery("SELECT user_id FROM user LIMIT 1")->fetch();
    # ...

In this example, $frConnection and $ruConnection actually point to the same Connection instance, since (at the time of writing) both frwiki and ruwiki live on the same section. ReplicasClient knows to do this because it queries (and caches) the dblists at

PHP Code Sniffer

You can use the bundle's phpcs rules by adding the following to the require-dev section of your project's composer.json:

"slevomat/coding-standard": "^4.8"

And then referencing the bundle's ruleset with the following in your project's .phpcs.xml:

<rule ref="./vendor/wikimedia/toolforge-bundle/Resources/phpcs/ruleset.xml" />

Wikimedia UI styles

You may want your tool to conform to the Wikimedia Design Style Guide. A basic LESS stylesheet that applies some of these design elements is available in the bundle. To use it, first install the required packages:

npm install wikimedia-ui-base less less-loader

And then import both it and the bundle's CSS file for it (e.g. at the top of your assets/app.less file):

@import '../node_modules/wikimedia-ui-base/wikimedia-ui-base.less';
@import '../vendor/wikimedia/toolforge-bundle/Resources/assets/wikimedia-base.less';

Deployment script

The bundle comes with a deployment script for use on Toolforge where an application is run on the Kubernetes cluster.

It should be added to your tool's crontab to run e.g. every ten minutes:

*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/jsub -once -quiet /data/project/<toolname>/<app-dir>/vendor/wikimedia/toolforge-bundle/bin/ prod /data/project/<toolname>/<app-dir>/
  • The first argument is either prod or dev, depending on whether you want to run the highest tagged version, or the latest master branch.
  • The second is the path to the tool's top-level directory, which is usually either the tool's home directory or a directory within it (e.g. /data/project/<toolname>/app).


By default Symfony uses / for sessions' cookie path, but this isn't secure on Toolforge because it means that different tools can access each other's cookies. Additionally, Toolforge may by default use the fallback to the session expiry defined in php.ini, which is only 24 minutes. To fix this, set the following in your framework.yaml:

    storage_id: Wikimedia\ToolforgeBundle\Service\NativeSessionStorage
    handler_id: 'session.handler.native_file'
    save_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/sessions/%kernel.environment%'
    cookie_lifetime: 604800 # one week


This bundle is currently in use on the following projects:

  1. Event Metrics
  2. SVG Translate
  3. Global Search
  4. Flickr Dashboard
  5. Wikisource Export
  6. Wikimedia OCR
  7. CopyPatrol
  8. Wikisource Contests


GPL 3.0 or later.