
WordPress plugin for JWT authentication for the REST API

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:46:23 UTC


WordPress plugin for JWT authentication for the REST / XML-RPC API


Composer Way

composer require wildwolf/wp-jwt-auth

Then go to Admin Dashboard, Plugins, find and activate the "WW JWT Auth" plugin

Manual Way

Grab the plugin zip file from Releases, then go to Admin Dashboard, Plugins, Add New, Upload Plugin. Select the zip file, the click Install Now. Finally, activate the plugin.

REST API Authentication

The plugin uses bearer authentication (also known as token authentication) to authenticate the user.

To authenticate the request, you need to have a JWT. Then you need to set the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer jwt-goes-here



Generate Token

POST /wp-json/wildwolf/jwtauth/v1/generate


POST /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token

Request body:

  • username: login;
  • password: password.

Successful Response: Status code: 200 JSON Object:

  • token: JWT token;
  • user_email: email address of the user;
  • display_name: display name of the user.

Failure: Status code: 403 for authentication failures, 500 for misconfiguration (JWT secret is not set)

Validate Token

GET /wp-json/wildwolf/jwtauth/v1/verify


GET /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token/validate

Required headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer JWT-goes-here

Successfule response: Status code: 200

Failure: Status code: 403

WordPress Filters


Used to filter the nbf (not before) claim for the token. Parameters:

  • int $value: filtered value; set to the value of the iat (issued at) claim;
  • int $iat: the original unfiltered iat value. Expects: integer, the new value for the nbf claim.


Used to filter the exp (expiration) claim for the token. Parameters:

  • int $value: filtered value; set to the value of the iat (issued at) claim plus the value of the JWT TTL setting;
  • int $iat: the iat value;
  • int $ttl: the JWT time to live value. Expects: integer, the new value for the exp claim.


Used to filter the JWT payload before signing. Parameters:

  • array $token: JWT payload. By default, it contains the following fields:
    • iss: token issuer; equal to the URL of the site (get_bloginfo( 'url' ));
    • iat: time the token was issued at;
    • nbf: time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing;
    • exp: expiration time on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing;
    • sub: the ID of the user
  • WP_User $user: the authenticated user. Expects: array, the new payload to sign.