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Statamic Imgix

0.1.5 2022-06-06 15:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 20:58:33 UTC


Statamic 3.0+

Generate imgix URLs from your antlers templates with the Statamic Imgix addon.


Install via composer:

composer require withcandour/statamic-imgix

Then publish the publishables from the service provider:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WithCandour\StatamicImgix\ServiceProvider"


After publishing the config you will have a config/imgix.php file. You will need to provide your imgix domain in here.


The addon will provide a set of Imgix tags for use in your antlers templates.


This addon will provide a set of imgix tags for generating imgix URL's and elements that use them. The minimum requirement for these tags is that you provide it with a path parameter, this is the path or url for the asset source, it is recommended that you use the {{ path }} variable returned inside of a pair of asset tags.

Tags will accept any of the Imgix manipulation parameters. Tags which generate a tag (such as the {{ imgix:image_tag }} tag) will also accept all standard HTML attributes (i.e 'alt'), these will then get added to the element/tag produced.


The base `{{ imgix }}` tag will produce a simple imgix URL with any imgix manipulation parameters appended to the URL.

Image srcset

Similarly to the base tag, the `{{ imgix:image_srcset }}` tag will produce a string containing a srcset (suitable for use in an `<img />` element). By default the srcset will contain @1x and @2x image sizes (to handle retina screens). You may override this behaviour by setting the `srcset_resolutions` in the config file; this will need to be an array of numbers, representing the resolutions.

For example:

return [
    'srcset_resolutions' => [1, 4, 5],

Image tag

The `{{ imgix:image_tag }}` tag will produce an `<img />` element with the 'src' attribute set to the image. Any and all HTML attributes may also be passed as parameters.

Responsive image tag

The `{{ imgix:responsive_image_tag }}` tag will combine the powers of the srcset and the image_tag tags to produce an `<img />` element with a srcset attribute.

Responsive picture tag

This tag is a little different to the others, a special `sizes` parameter will be used to produce a `<picture />` element with multiple `<source />` blocks. This will enable you to target specific breakpoints in order to display correctly sized images.

For example:

    sizes="768: [1500x960]|560: [920x550]|200: [600x400]"

This tag will produce a picture tag with sources so that:

  • At 200-559px a 600x400 image will be shown
  • At 560-767px a 920x550 image will be shown
  • At 768px+ a 1500x960 image will be shown

Focal point cropping

This addon supports focalpoint cropping by using the {{ focus }} variable, generated using the focal point selector in the CMS. In order to use focalpoint cropping in your templates, combine fit="crop", crop="focalpoint" and focus="{focus}" (or :focus="focus") in the tag.

For example:

{{ my_image_field }}
{{ /my_image_field }}