
Heureka shopping cart API

v1.0.2 2023-08-03 14:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 12:39:43 UTC


Hcapi is a tool created for easier connection between shopping adviser Heureka.cz and shops which users of these services and shopping cart want.


Install by composer:

composer require wpify/heureka-hcapi


In this section you will find the manual for hcapi implementation to your project.

Connection via Callables

First way how to connect your shop by HCAPI is using Callable callback.

In your code must create functions (for all services), which receive data from Heureka (array), process them and return required data (array). Structure of required data you can find there.

Example of function for Payment/Status:


public function setPaymentStatus($receiveData)
        //set payment status for order

        return [
            'status' => false,

In second step you must connect these functions with your routing. You must use specific service for every from API methods. For example Payment/Status:


if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === 'https://www.example.com/api/1/payment/status') {
            $service = new PaymentStatus();
            return $service->processData(

Services are located in /src/Services/ More examples are located in /example/InterfaceExample/

Implementation via Interfaces

Second way how to connect your shop by HCAPI is via Interfaces. In folder /scr/Interfaces/ is located interface IShopImplementation.php. You must implement this interface for all classes which work with data from Heureka.


class OrderCancel implements IShopImplementation
     * @param array $receiveData
     * @return array
    public function getResponse($receiveData)
        //Do something with receive data

        return [
            'status' => true,


In second step you must connect this functions to your routing. You must use specific service for every from API methods. For example Order/Cancel:

if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === 'https://www.example.com/api/1/order/cancel') {
    $service = new OrderCancel();
    $orderCancel = new \Hcapi\Example\InterfaceExample\OrderCancel();

    return $service->processData($orderCancel, $receiveData);

More examples are located in /example/CallableExample/