
Convert country name to codes or vice-versa.

1.2.0 2023-08-23 22:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 01:39:36 UTC


Circle CI

A PHP library for converting ISO country codes to names and vice-versa.

Country data was last updated on August 10, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Officially_assigned_code_elements

The library recognizes ISO 2-digit, 3-digit, and numeric codes.

Usage in an application

The included /demo/index.php file contains a generation form demo.

Make your code aware of the CountryCodeConverter class via your favorite method (e.g., use or require)

Then pass a country code or country name into the class:

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('AL');
// Will print 'Albania'

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('ALB');
// Will print 'Albania'

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('008');
// Will print 'Albania'

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('Albania');
// Will print 'AL'

Explicitly requesting return format.

If you want a specific format returned, pass the desired format as a second parameter:

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('Albania', 'name');
// Will print 'Albania'

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('Albania', 'two-digit');
// Will print 'AL'

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('Albania', 'three-digit');
// Will print 'ALB'

echo CountryCodeConverter::convert('Albania', 'numeric');
// Will print '008'