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CLI commands to dump and compare Neos Content Repositories

9.0.0 2023-01-04 11:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 18:54:13 UTC


CLI commands to dump and compare Neos Content Repository instances


Install via composer:

composer require wwwision/contentrepositorydumper

Note: There are currently two different versions of this package:

  • The 7.x-releases are compatible with the Neos Content Repository version 7.x and 8.x+
  • The 9.x-releases are compatible with the Neos Content Repository version 9.x


Currently, this package comes with a single CLI command cr:dump:

Dump the structure of the Content Repository to flat files in order to debug/compare them


./flow cr:dump [<options>] <site>

--site               Name of the site node to dump (e.g. "neosdemo")

--dimensions         The dimensions to export in the format: "<key1>:<value1>,<value2>;<key2>:<value1>,...;..." (e.g. "language:de,en_UK;market:us").
                     If omitted, all dimensions will be included
--path               Path to dump the file(s) to. This has to be the full path to an empty directory.
                     If omitted, files are dumped to "/Data/ContentRepositoryDump/<Timestamp>

Example 1:

Exporting all nodes of all content dimensions to a folder /Data/ContentRepositoryDump/<Timestamp>:

./flow cr:dump neosdemo

Example 2

Exporting only specific content dimensions of a custom site to a custom path

./flow cr:dump somesite --dimensions "lanuage:de,en;market:eu" --path Some/Custom/Path