
Laravel Mail Explorer

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1.8.1 2024-04-10 17:15 UTC


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Mailbook is a Laravel package that lets you easily inspect your mails without having to actually trigger it in your application.

Example screenshot

View demo


You can install the package via composer:

composer require --dev xammie/mailbook

Next install mailbook into your application

php artisan mailbook:install


The mailbook:install command will create a route file named routes/mailbook.php. In this file you can register your emails.

// This will use dependency injection if your mailable has parameters

// Use a closure to customize the parameters of the mail instance
Mailbook::add(function (): VerificationMail {
    $user = User::factory()->make();

    return new VerificationMail($user, '/example/url')

Next head over to /mailbook to preview the mailables.

Registering mails

You can both register mailables that live in App\Mails and email notifications in App\Notifications.

// Mailable

// Notification

You can also use dependency injection in the closure.

// With dependency injection
Mailbook::add(function (VerificationService $verificationService): VerificationMail {
    return new VerificationMail($verificationService, '/example/url');

// Without dependency injection
Mailbook::add(function (): VerificationMail {
    $verificationService = app(VerificationService::class);
    return new VerificationMail($verificationService, '/example/url');

Sending to a user

A notification will most of the time need a user (also called notifiable in the notification class). You can set the desired user with the ::to() method.

$user = User::factory()->create();


If you don't need a user you can also pass an e-mail address.


Grouping multiple mails

You can group multiple mails under the same category. This can be done using the category() and group() methods.

Mailbook::category('Invoices')->group(function () {

To avoid having to pass the same to() to every mailable that needs it you can also use the group() method. This will use the notifiable to every mailable inside the group.

Mailbook::to('example@mailbook.dev')->group(function () {

It is also possible to chain both category() and to() to the same group.

    ->group(function () {
        // ...


When creating mails you might have a couple of different scenario's that you want to test for one mail, you can use variants to solve this.

// Use a closure to customize the parameters of the mail instance
    ->variant('1 item', fn () => new OrderCreatedMail(Order::factory()->withOneProduct()->create()))
    ->variant('2 items', fn () => new OrderCreatedMail(Order::factory()->withTwoProducts()->create()));


When your application supports multiple languages you need to easily preview your mails in these languages. To enable this feature you have to add the following code to the mailbook.php config file.

'locales' => [
    'en' => 'English',
    'nl' => 'Dutch',
    'de' => 'German',
    'es' => 'Spanish'

This will display a dropdown in mailbook which you can use to switch to a different language.


Using the database

Most of the time your mailables will need database models. Sometimes you will even preform queries when rendering these mailables. Mailbook can automatically rollback database changes after rendering. You can enable it in the config with.

'database_rollback' => true,

You can now safely use factories and other queries when registering your mailables.

// All database changes are rolled back after rendering the mail.
Mailbook::add(function (): OrderShippedMail {
    $order = Order::factory()->create();
    $tracker = Tracker::factory()->create();
    return new OrderShippedMail($order, $tracker);

Database rollback is disabled by default.

Sending Mails

Testing your mails outside the browser is important if you want to make sure that everything is displayed correctly. You can use Mailbook to send mails to an email address of your choice using your default mail driver. This will show a button in the top-right corner which when pressed will send the currently selected email to the specified address. You can enable this in the config:

'send' => true,
'send_to' => 'test@mailbook.dev',


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mailbook-config"

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mailbook-views"


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.