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Feature-flag management system for Yii 3

1.0.0 2023-07-28 21:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:57 UTC


This is a simple library to enable/disable features based on a set of rules.

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composer require xepozz/feature-flag


Choose the driver you want to use. Currently, the library supports the following drivers:


Configure the driver in the dependency injection container configuration file:


\Xepozz\FeatureFlag\Driver\InMemoryDriver::class => [
    '__construct()' => [
        'flags' => [
            155 => false,
            'feature_name' => true,
            FeaturesEnum::FEATURE_NAME => true,

Or with params.php:

'xepozz/feature-flag' => [
    'flags' => [
        155 => false,
        'feature_name' => true,
        FeaturesEnum::FEATURE_NAME => true,

Configuring the driver with params.php is only available for the InMemoryDriver.


Configure the driver in the dependency injection container configuration file:


\Xepozz\FeatureFlag\Driver\RedisDriver::class => function () {
    $redis = new Redis();
        host: '',
        port: 6379,
        timeout: 2.5,

    return new \Xepozz\FeatureFlag\Driver\RedisDriver(redis: $redis, hashTableKey: 'ab');

The driver uses a hash table functions to store and retrieve data. Read more about the hash table functions here.

Choose a driver

After you have chosen a driver, you need to configure the dependency injection container:


use Xepozz\FeatureFlag\FlagStorageInterface;
use \Xepozz\FeatureFlag\Driver\RedisDriver;

return [
    // ...
    FlagStorageInterface::class => RedisDriver::class,
    // ...


Pull \Xepozz\FeatureFlag\FlagStorageInterface from the dependency injection container and use it:

isActive(string|int|BackedEnum $flag): bool

use Xepozz\FeatureFlag\FlagStorageInterface;

class Controller
    public function index(FlagStorageInterface $flagStorage)
        if ($flagStorage->isActive('feature_name')) {
            // feature is enabled
        } else {
            // feature is disabled

setFlag(string|int|BackedEnum $flag, bool $active): void

Be careful, in case of using not the InMemoryDriver, the flag will be stored permanently.

In case of using the InMemoryDriver, the flag will be stored only for the current request. So you can switch the flag depending on the conditions in your code. For instance, you can enable the feature only for trusted IP addresses.

use Xepozz\FeatureFlag\FlagStorageInterface;

class Controller
    public function index(FlagStorageInterface $flagStorage)
        if ($condition) {
            $flagStorage->setFlag('feature_name', true);

getAll(): array

Returns all flags as an associative array array<string, bool>.

The only InMemoryDriver supports returning BackendEnum as a key, because it does not need to serialize the key.

The key is the flag name, the value is the flag state.

use Xepozz\FeatureFlag\FlagStorageInterface;

class Controller
    public function index(FlagStorageInterface $flagStorage)
        $flags = $flagStorage->getAll();
        // ...



Redis driver requires phpredis extension and a running Redis server.

You can use the following command to start a Redis server in a Docker container:

docker run --rm -p 6379:6379 redis

Or use docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

Run tests:

composer test



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  • Request ID - A simple library to generate both unique request and response IDs for tracing purposes.
  • AB - A simple library to enable A/B testing based on a set of rules.
  • Shortcut - Sets of helper functions for rapid development of Yii 3 applications.