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Tracing request and response IDs for Yii 3

1.0.0 2023-04-08 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 08:38:05 UTC


This is a simple library to generate both unique request and response IDs for tracing purposes.

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composer require xepozz/request-id


Add the middleware to your application configuration, e.g. config/web/params.php:

use Xepozz\RequestID\SetRequestIDMiddleware;

return [
    'middlewares' => [
        // ErrorCatcher::class,
        // SentryMiddleware::class,
        // Router::class,
        // ...

Note: The middleware must be added before the ErrorCatcher middleware if you want to see the response ID in the error page.

Request ID Provider

You can get the request ID with the Xepozz\RequestID\RequestIDProviderInterface interface:

use Xepozz\RequestID\RequestIDProviderInterface;

class HttpClient
    public function __construct(
        private RequestIDProviderInterface $requestIDProvider,
    ) {
    public function sendRequest(): void
        $requestID = $this->requestIDProvider->get();
        // ...


Using incoming request ID

If you want not to use the Request ID from the incoming request, you can disable this behavior by specifying the useIncomingRequestID parameter in the application configuration:

return [
    'xepozz/request-id' => [
        'useIncomingRequestID' => false,

Note: By default, the library always uses the header to get the request ID from the incoming request.

Request ID header

By default, the library uses the X-Request-ID header to store the request ID. Same header name is used to set response ID. You can change the header name by specifying the headerName parameter in the application configuration:

return [
    'xepozz/request-id' => [
        'headerName' => 'X-Request-ID',

Response ID header

By default, the library sets the header to the response at the end of a request. You can disable this behavior by specifying the setResponseHeader parameter in the application configuration:

return [
    'xepozz/request-id' => [
        'setResponseHeader' => false,


By default, the library uses the Xepozz\RequestID\UuidGenerator generator. You can change the strategy by specifying the implementation of the Xepozz\RequestID\RequestIDGeneratorInterface interface in the container:

use Xepozz\RequestID\RequestIDGeneratorInterface;
use Xepozz\RequestID\UuidGenerator;

return [
    RequestIDGeneratorInterface::class => UuidGenerator::class,

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  • Feature Flag - A simple library to enable/disable features based on a set of rules.
  • Shortcut - Sets of helper functions for rapid development of Yii 3 applications.