xlabs / competitionbundle
Competition bundle
- php: >=5.3.9
- composer/installers: ~1.0
- xlabs/trumbowygbundle: ~1.0
Requires (Dev)
- alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter: ^1.1
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle: ~1.4
- doctrine/mongodb-odm: ^1.3
- doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle: ^3.6
- doctrine/orm: ^2.4.8
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle: ^1.6
- symfony/asset: For using the AssetExtension
- symfony/expression-language: For using the ExpressionExtension
- symfony/finder: For using the finder
- symfony/form: For using the FormExtension
- symfony/http-kernel: For using the HttpKernelExtension
- symfony/routing: For using the RoutingExtension
- symfony/security: For using the SecurityExtension
- symfony/stopwatch: For using the StopwatchExtension
- symfony/templating: For using the TwigEngine
- symfony/translation: For using the TranslationExtension
- symfony/var-dumper: For using the DumpExtension
- symfony/yaml: For using the YamlExtension
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-06 18:24:57 UTC
Install through composer:
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar require atm/competitionbundle
In your AppKernel
public function registerbundles()
return [
new ATM\CompetitionBundle\ATMCompetitionBundle(),
Configuration sample
# app/config/config.yml
user: User namespace
media_folder: path to media folder
contestant_roles: array of roles for the contestants
main_picture_width: width for images
main_picture_height: height for images
watermark_image_small: 'watermark_small.png'
watermark_image_medium: 'watermark_medium.png'
watermark_image_big: 'watermark_big.png'
email_from_name: Name for the from email address
email_from_address: from email address
email_subject: Subject for the email when a anonymous user vote
site_domain: site domain
not_allowed: message when a contestant is not allowed to join a competition
vote_link_sent: message when a link sent to an anonymous user for voting
already_voted: message shown when a user already voted
email_not_validated: message when the email of an anonymous user is not validated
voted_successfully: message shown when a user votes
namespace: media entity namespace
order_by_field: field for sorting results
order_by_direction: sorting direction
Append to the main routing file:
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@ATMCompetitionBundle/Controller/CompetitionController.php"
type: annotation
prefix: /
# The frontend routing should be not protected by the firewall
resource: "@ATMCompetitionBundle/Controller/FrontendController.php"
type: annotation
prefix: /
After creating a new competition you can customize the landing page of it by creating a twig file using competition's canonical in the following path.(Imagine that the competition is called spring competition it's canonical will be springcompetition): ATMCompetitionBundle\views\Frontend\competitioncanonical.html.twig
These are the variables that are used in that view:
- competition: competition data as an array
- contestant_roles: roles from the configuration that the contestant have to had in order to join the competition
- page: needed in case to show a list of contestants.
For showing the contestants of a competition you can use the following function:
{{ render(controller('ATMCompetitionBundle:Frontend:searchContestants',{
'params' : {
'page': page,
'competition_id': competition.id,
'order_by_field': 'name',
'order_by_direction': 'DESC',
'max_results' : 10
})) }}
There are 3 services for searching.
This service accept the following parameters for searching competitions:
$defaultOptions = array(
'name' => null,
'date' => null,
'ids' => null,
'pagination' => null,
'page' => 1,
'order_by_field' => 'name',
'order_by_direction' => 'DESC',
'max_results' => null
It will return an array with 2 keys:
- results: results from the query
- pagination: pagination object in case that pagination is true
This service accept the following parameters for searching contestants:
$defaultOptions = array(
'name' => null,
'date' => null,
'ids' => null,
'competition' => null,
'pagination' => null,
'page' => 1,
'order_by_field' => 'name',
'order_by_direction' => 'DESC',
'max_results' => null
It will return an array with 2 keys:
- results: results from the query
- pagination: pagination object in case that pagination is true
_If you put order_byfield = 'votes' you will get the contestants sorted by it's total votes.
This service accept the following parameters for searching votes:
$defaultOptions = array(
'email' => null,
'competition_id' => null,
'contestant_id' => null,
'creation_date' => null,
'ids' => null,
'sorting' => 'DESC',
'sorting_field' => null,
'date_limit' => array(
'min' => null,
'max' => null
'limit' => null,
'hydrate' => true,
'page' => 1,
'max_results' => null,
'pagination' => null,
'count' => null
It will return an array with 2 keys:
- results: results from the query
- pagination: pagination object in case that pagination is true
If count is true it will return an array with only 1 key:
- count: total amount of votes of a contestant
Twig Extensions
These are the following functions that you can use in twig:
- ATMCompIsContestant($competitionId,$userId): checks if a user is a contestant of a competition.
- ATMCompGetLastUserMedia($maxResults,$userId): gets the media based on the media namespace in the configuration.
- ATMCompIsRegisterPeriod($competitionId): checks if it's the register period of a competition.
- ATMCompIsCompetitionActive($competitionId): checks if a competition is active.
- ATMCompContestantTotalVotes($contestantId): get contestant total votes.
Mail sent to anonymous user
If the user that votes is not logged in the system sends an email to it with a link for voting. You can customize the mail template creating a twig file in the views/Mail called competitioncanonical_vote_link.html.twig. The system passes a variable called {{ vote_link }}.
In the views/Mail folder there is an example template called thegoodone_vote_link.html.twig.
In the views/Frontend you can see an example of a competition landing page called thegoodone.html.twig.