
Grabs Google Sheets and stores their data as CSV files

v0.3.3 2018-10-15 06:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 07:29:01 UTC


A Symfony Console command. Searches for configuration file that lists URLs of Google Sheets, grabs the Sheets and stores their data locally as CSV files.

Designed be used in the context of the Symfony Console application at https://github.com/xmlsquad/xml-authoring-tools which, in turn, is used in the context of a known directory structure which is based on xml-authoring-project.

Usage instructions

Specifying the Lookup tables to collect

We assume this command is run in the context of an xml-authoring-project. ie. the key aspects of the structure of the directory is known.

Use the mapping.yaml configuration file which defines the locations of the Google Sheets we must collect.

Example mapping.yaml

  # (string) Specifies the URL of the sheet to look into
  url: "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jOfsClbTj15YUqE-X2Ai9cvyhP-GLvP8CGZPgD1TysI/edit#gid=0"
  # (int) Sets at what row number we'll start reading data - use if you want to skip the beginning of the sheet, for example a header
  startingFromRow: 2
  # (bool) Enable or disable fetching data in a batch. Doing so is faster, but may fail if there is a lot of data to be fetched
  batchGet: true
  url: "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jOfsClbTj15YUqE-X2Ai9cvyhP-GLvP8CGZPgD1TysI/edit#gid=0"
  startingFromRow: 2
  batchGet: false

Using the command

  1. Checkout the repository
  2. Install dependencies with composer install
  3. Put a gApiServiceAccountCredentials.json file in the project root or anywhere in any of the parent directories accessible to PHP
  4. Issue bin/capture-lookups to see all available mappings
  5. Issue bin/capture-lookups --sheet=LookupTableA to run the command interactively
  6. Issue bin/capture-lookups --sheet=LookupTableA --no-interaction to run the command without any prompts, skipping risky file names or existing files
  7. Issue bin/capture-lookups --sheet=LookupTableA --no-interaction --force to run the command without any prompts, overwriting existing files and using sanitised file names

Unit testing

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Skipped Tabs - Naming convention

By Google Sheet tab I mean one of the sheets within a workbook.

Any Google Sheet tab which has a trailing underscore will be considered to be skipped.

  • foo_ is skipped.
  • foo is not skipped.
  • _foo is not skipped either.

Connecting to GSuite

The file that Google Api uses to authenticate access to GSuite should be in the root of the xml-authoring-project.

The ping-drive project explains how to get set up to connect to GSuite.

Run the command

When the command is run, it will:

  • Search for the XmlAuthoringProjectSettings.yaml in the current working directory, if not found it will look in the parent recursively until a file named XmlAuthoringProjectSettings.yaml is found.
  • Determine the DestinationDirectory to write-to:
    • If DestinationDirectory option is passed to command, use that.
    • If no DestinationDirectory option is passed to command, set it to the default DestinationDirectory (see below).
      • The default DestinationDirectory is the working directory in which the command was invoked.
  • For each Lookup table specified in the configuration file:
    • Go to the Google Sheet on GSuite
    • Determine and note the name of the Google Sheet
    • For each tab in that sheet:
      • If the tab's name indicates it should be ignored (has a trailing underscore), ignore that tab, skip and move on to the next tab.
      • Else, note the tab name
      • Combine the Google Sheet name with the tab name to set the resulting CSV file's name: <GoogleSheetName>-<TabName>.csv.
      • Check the name to ensure it is made of only alphanumeric characters, dot, hyphen or underscore. (i.e the name is less likely to cause issues if used as a filename on Windows or MacOS)
      • If the name contains invalid characters, write a meaningful error message to STD_OUT and STD_ERR and exit with an error code.
      • Check to see if a CSV file matching that name is already stored in the destination directory
      • If it is already present and the -f (--force) flag is NOT set, ask user "Permission to overwrite the file y/n?". With the suggested default prompt being no, [n].
      • If it is already present and the -f (--force) flag is set, overwrite the existing file without prompting the user.
      • Else, create a CSV file with the chosen name.
      • Write the contents of the Google Sheet Tab as a CSV file. (comma delimeter, double quotes used to encapsulate strings)


  • Code reuse with AbstractCommand