
Turn stuff into music

1.1.1 2017-11-01 00:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 14:49:32 UTC



Add Note Objects to a Sequence which can be dumped into a wave file.

REQUIRES "sox" http://sox.sourceforge.net/

  sudo apt-get install sox or brew install sox

The notes are indexed like this:

  • 0 being A with 220 Hz
  • 12 being A with 440 Hz
  • 24 being A with 880 Hz


Play a simple A major scale


$alleMeineEntchen = [0, 2, 4, 5, [7, 1 / 2], [7, 1 / 2], 9, 9, 9, 9, [7, 1 / 2], [null, 1 / 2], 9, 9, 9, 9, [7, 1 / 2]];
$sequence = Sequence::fromTuples($alleMeineEntchen);
$player = new Player($sequence);
$dumper = new SoundDumper();
$dumper->dump($player, __DIR__.'/lala.ul', __DIR__.'/lala.wav');

How it works

Numbers are converted to Note objects. They have an index of a note on the chromatic scale. The also have a length given as quarter notes, half notes, ... (The actual length of the sound is determinded by the BPM of the player, see below)

Note objects are added to a Sequence that holds all the notes.

A Sequence can be used in a Player where speed and base frequencey (default 220 Hz) can be adjusted. With this information, the Sequence of Notes can be transformed into a list of Tone objects. A Tone object has an actual length in miliseconds and a frequency in Hertz.

A Dumper can convert the list of Tone objects into a a actual media file. sox is being used here.

Process overview

Use a Converter to transform numeric input into "music"

The Converter's job is to turn given numeric input (file size, hash, lines of code, ...) into Notes. By passing some options (TBD, how to map file size to lenght, ...) it will create Note instance that can be added to a Sequence.


Traverses a directory recursively and looks at the files.

Each file determines the Sound to play.

Size of the file determines the length of the sound.

Hash (md5) of the file determines the pitch.

To sound "reasonably harmonic", the hash is not translated into a frequency.

It translates into a note on the scale of A Major.