yabhq / laravel-cart
Simple yet customizable Laravel shopping cart
- php: ^8.0
- illuminate/support: ^8.0
- yabhq/laravel-mint: ^1.0.2
Requires (Dev)
- laravel/legacy-factories: ^1.0.4
- orchestra/testbench: ^6.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
Laravel Shopping Cart
A simple yet customizable Laravel shopping cart implementation.
Provides RESTful API endpoints out of the box to help with front-end / SPA integrations.
Table of Contents
The Checkout Class
- PHP 8+
- Laravel 8.x
composer require yabhq/laravel-cart
The package publishes some migrations, routes (for optional use) and classes for further customizing your store logistics.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Yab\ShoppingCart\ShoppingCartServiceProvider"
Full list of published files:
- database/migrations/2020_12_13_000001_create_carts_table
- database/migrations/2020_12_13_000002_create_cart_items_table
- routes/checkout.php
- config/checkout.php
- app/Logistics/CartLogistics.php
- app/Logistics/ShippingLogistics.php
- app/Logistics/TaxLogistics.php
- app/Logistics/DiscountLogistics.php
First, simply implement the Purchaseable interface on your product (or other purchaseable) model.
use Yab\ShoppingCart\Traits\Purchaseable; use Yab\ShoppingCart\Contracts\Purchaseable as PurchaseableInterface; class Product extends Model implements PurchaseableInterface { use Purchaseable; }
Next we should implement the Purchaser interface on the model representing the end customer.
use Yab\ShoppingCart\Traits\Purchaser; use Yab\ShoppingCart\Contracts\Purchaser as PurchaserInterface; class Customer extends Model implements PurchaserInterface { use Purchaser; }
If you would like to use the built-in cart API endpoints, you can simply include the published checkout.php in your existing routes file.
routes/api.php (optional)
Route::group(['middleware' => ['example']], function () { require base_path('routes/checkout.php'); });
The Checkout Class
The package comes with a Checkout class which allows you to interact with the shopping cart.
use Yab\ShoppingCart\Checkout;
Creating or retrieving a checkout instance:
$checkout = Checkout::create(); // or $checkout = Checkout::findById('uuid-123');
Getting the ID of an existing checkout:
Adding a custom field for a checkout:
$checkout->setCustomField('some key', 'some value');
Deleting a checkout:
Interacting with the underlying cart model and query builder:
// Yab\ShoppingCart\Models\Cart $checkout->getCart(); // Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $checkout->getCartBuilder();
Adding, updating or removing cart items:
// Add 1 qty of product and return the CartItem model $item = $checkout->addItem($product, 1); // Override the default unit price for the product $item = $checkout->addItem($product, 1, 11.95); // Add custom options to a checkout item $item = $checkout->addItem( purchaseable: $product, qty: 1, options: [ 'size' => 'medium' ], ); // Update the quantity of the item to 2 $checkout->updateItem($item->id, 2); // Remove the item entirely $checkout->removeItem($item->id);
Optionally set a purchaser entity (class must implement Purchaser interface):
Getting the shipping, subtotal, taxes and total:
$checkout->getShipping(); // 5.00 $checkout->getSubtotal(); // 110.00 $checkout->getDiscount(); // 10.00 $checkout->getTaxes(); // 13.00 $checkout->getTotal(); // 113.00
Not every e-commerce store is the same. This package provides several "logistics" classes which allow you to hook into the core package logic and perform some common customizations. For example, you may specify how the tax, shipping and discount amounts are determined:
public static function getTaxes(Checkout $checkout) : float
public static function getShippingCost(Checkout $checkout) : float
public static function getDiscountFromCode(Checkout $checkout, string $code) : float
public static function getPurchaseable(string $type, mixed $id) : mixed public static function beforeCartItemAdded(Checkout $checkout, mixed $purchaseable, int $qty) : void public static function hasInfoNeededToCalculateTotal(Checkout $checkout) : bool
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.