
Oracle SQL Loader for Laravel

v1.8.1 2024-06-28 07:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 01:51:34 UTC


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A Laravel package that allows you to easily load data into Oracle database using sqlldr.



  • Before you can use this package, you need to install the Oracle Instant Client with Tools Package. You can download the package from the Oracle website.
  • You should also take note of the path where the sqlldr executable is located.
    • For example, if you installed the Oracle Instant Client with Tools Package in /usr/local/oracle/instantclient_19_6, the sqlldr executable will be located in /usr/local/oracle/instantclient_19_6/sqlldr.
    • You can also add the path to the sqlldr executable to your system's PATH environment variable.
    • You can also set the path to the sqlldr executable in the .env file using the SQL_LOADER_PATH key.
    • You can also set the path to the sqlldr executable in the config/sql-loader.php file using the sqlldr key.
    • You can symlink the sqlldr executable to /usr/local/bin using the following command:
      sudo ln -nfs /usr/local/oracle/instantclient_19_6/sqlldr /usr/local/bin/sqlldr
  • Knowledge of how to use sqlldr is also required. You can read the documentation here.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require yajra/laravel-sql-loader:^1.0

Quick Start

Below is a quick example of how to use the package:

Route::get('sql-loader', function () {
    Schema::create('employees', function ($table) {

    Yajra\SQLLoader\CsvFile::make(database_path('files/employees.csv'), 'w')
        ->headers(['name', 'dept_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'])
            ['John Doe', 1, now(), now()],
            ['Jane Doe', 2, now(), now()],
            ['John Doe', 1, now(), now()],
            ['Jane Doe', 2, now(), now()],

    $loader = Yajra\SQLLoader\SQLLoader::make();
        ->dateFormat('YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')

    return DB::table('employees')->get();

Execution Mode

The default execution mode is Mode::APPEND. The package supports the following execution mode:

  • Yajra\SQLLoader\Mode::INSERT - Insert data into table.
  • Yajra\SQLLoader\Mode::APPEND - Append data to table.
  • Yajra\SQLLoader\Mode::REPLACE - Replace data in table.
  • Yajra\SQLLoader\Mode::TRUNCATE - Truncate table then insert data.

Date Formats

The SQL*Loader default date format is YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS."000000Z" to match Laravel's model date serialization. You can change the date format using the dateFormat method.

$loader->dateFormat('YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');

Available Methods


You can pass additional options to the sqlldr command using the options method.

$loader->options(['skip=1', 'load=1000']);

Input File(/s)

You can set the input file to use for the SQL*Loader command using the inFile method.


You can also set multiple input files.



You can set the execution mode using the mode method.


Into Table

You can set the table to load the data into using the into method. This method accepts the following parameters:

  • table - Specifies the table into which you load data.
  • columns - The field-list portion of a SQL*Loader control file provides information about fields being loaded.
  • terminatedBy - The terminated by character.
  • enclosedBy - The enclosed by character.
  • trailing - set to true to configure SQL*Loader to treat missing columns as null columns.
  • formatOptions - Specifying Datetime Formats At the Table Level.
  • when - Specifies a WHEN clause that is applied to all data records read from the data file.
$loader->into('employees', ['name', 'dept_id']);

With Headers

Using withHeaders will skip the first row of the CSV file.


  1. withHeaders must be called before the into method.
  2. This method assumes that the headers are the same as the table columns.
  3. Non-existent columns will be flagged as FILLER.
  4. Date headers will be automatically detected and data type is appended in the control file.
  5. Date values must follow the default date format. If not, use the dateFormat method.
  6. If the headers are different from the table columns, you should define the columns in the into method.

Building a CSV File from Eloquent Collection

$users = User::all();
Yajra\SQLLoader\CsvFile::make(database_path('files/users.csv'), 'w')

Loading CSV File with Headers

Load users from oracle to backup database connection.


Wildcard Path with Headers

When using a wildcard path, the first file is assumed to contain the headers. The succeeding files should not have headers or it will be reported as a bad record.

  • employees-1.csv
John Doe,1
Jane Doe,2
  • employees-2.csv
John Doe,1
Jane Doe,2


In some cases, we need to insert constant values to the table. You can use the constants method to set the constant value.


constants must be called before the into method.

        'file_id CONSTANT 1',
        'created_at EXPRESSION "current_timestamp(3)"',
        'updated_at EXPRESSION "current_timestamp(3)"',


You can set the connection name to use for the SQL*Loader command using the connection method.



You can set the disk to use for the control file using the disk method.



You can get the logs of the execution using the logs method.

return nl2br($loader->logs());

Custom Control File

You can use a custom control file by passing the control file name to the as method.



You can execute the SQL*Loader command using the execute method.


You can also set the execution timeout in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds / 1 hr.


Execution Result

You can check if the execution was successful using the successfull method.

if ($loader->successfull()) {
    return 'Data loaded successfully!';

Process Result

You can get the process result using the result method.

$result = $loader->result();

Using array as data source

You can use an array as a data source by using begindData method.

$loader = Yajra\SQLLoader\SQLLoader::make();
        ['John', 1],
        ['Jane', 1],
        ['Jim, K', 2],
        ['Joe', 2],
    ->into('employees', [

Available Configuration

You can publish the configuration file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Yajra\SQLLoader\SQLLoaderServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Connection Config

You can set the connection name to use for the SQL*Loader command.

'connection' => env('SQL_LOADER_CONNECTION', 'oracle'),

SQL*Loader Path Config

You can set the path to the SQL*Loader executable.

'sqlldr' => env('SQL_LOADER_PATH', '/usr/local/bin/sqlldr'),

Disk Config

You can set the disk to use for the control file.

'disk' => env('SQL_LOADER_DISK', 'local'),



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.