
Nova Phone Number field with a dynamic mask based on the country code inserted by the user.

2.0.0 2023-07-19 21:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 00:27:01 UTC


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Nova Phone Number field with a dynamic mask based on the country code inserted by the user.

Fork from bissolli/nova-phone-field to maintain package.

screenshot of the phone field


  • PHP 8.0+
  • Laravel Nova 4.0+
  • Laravel Framework 8.0+

NOTE: For Laravel version < 8.0 or Nova < 4 use bissolli/nova-phone-field.


You can install this package into a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:

composer require yieldstudio/nova-phone-field


Go straight to your Nova resource and use YieldStudio\NovaPhoneField\PhoneNumber field:

namespace App\Nova;

use YieldStudio\NovaPhoneField\PhoneNumber;

class Member extends Resource
    // ...
    public function fields(Request $request)
        return [
            // ...
            PhoneNumber::make('Phone Number'),

            // ...

Now you can view and add tags on the blog posts screen in your Nova app. All tags will be saved in the tags table.


By default, every country mask available inside yieldstudio/nova-phone-field/resources/js/data/phone-masks.json will be loaded and working. However, you can always select the desired countries calling the onlyCountries() method.

PhoneNumber::make('Phone Number')
    ->onlyCountries('BR', 'US', 'IE'),

Custom number format

You can also add custom phone formats with withCustomFormats().

PhoneNumber::make('Phone Number')
    ->withCustomFormats('+123 ## #.#', '+123 ## ####.####'),

Or else use only your own phone formats calling for withCustomFormats() among with onlyCustomFormats().

PhoneNumber::make('Phone Number')
    ->withCustomFormats('+123 ## #.#', '+123 ## ####.####')

Migrate from 1.0.x

In 2.0 values are now stored in E.164 format. Previously, the formatted value was stored, which later caused problems for usage.

With the E.164 format, you can use the phone number directly. We use libphonenumber-js to format it on the Index and Detail of your resources.

To replace previously saved values you can use this query :

UPDATE _table_ SET _field_=CONCAT('+', REGEXP_REPLACE(_field_, '\\D', ''))


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you've found a bug regarding security please mail contact@yieldstudio.fr instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.