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Yii2 extension data export to CSV file

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1.0.5 2020-03-04 11:17 UTC

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Last update: 2022-02-15 10:29:07 UTC



CSV Data Export extension for Yii2

This extension provides ability to export data to CSV file.

For license information check the LICENSE-file.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yii2tech/csv-grid

or add

"yii2tech/csv-grid": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.


This extension provides ability to export data to CSV file. Export is performed via \yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid instance, which provides interface similar to \yii\grid\GridView widget.



use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;
use yii\data\ArrayDataProvider;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'dataProvider' => new ArrayDataProvider([
        'allModels' => [
                'name' => 'some name',
                'price' => '9879',
                'name' => 'name 2',
                'price' => '79',
    'columns' => [
            'attribute' => 'name',
            'attribute' => 'price',
            'format' => 'decimal',

\yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid allows exporting of the \yii\data\DataProviderInterface and \yii\db\QueryInterface instances. Export is performed via batches, which allows processing of the large data without memory overflow.

In case of \yii\data\DataProviderInterface usage, data will be split to batches using pagination mechanism. Thus you should setup pagination with page size in order to control batch size:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'dataProvider' => new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => Item::find(),
        'pagination' => [
            'pageSize' => 100, // export batch size

Note: if you disable pagination in your data provider - no batch processing will be performed.

In case of \yii\db\QueryInterface usage, CsvGrid will attempt to use batch() method, if it present in the query class (for example in case \yii\db\Query or \yii\db\ActiveQuery usage). If batch() method is not available - yii\data\ActiveDataProvider instance will be automatically created around given query. You can control batch size via \yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid::$batchSize:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'query' => Item::find(),
    'batchSize' => 200, // export batch size

While running web application you can use \yii2tech\csvgrid\ExportResult::send() method to send a result file to the browser through download dialog:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use yii\web\Controller;

class ItemController extends Controller
    public function actionExport()
        $exporter = new CsvGrid([
            'dataProvider' => new ActiveDataProvider([
                'query' => Item::find(),
        return $exporter->export()->send('items.csv');

Splitting result into several files

While exporting large amount of data, you may want to split export results into several files. This may come in handy in case you are planning to use result CSV files with program, which have a limit on maximum rows inside single file. For example: 'Open Office' and 'MS Excel 97-2003' allows maximum 65536 rows per CSV file, 'MS Excel 2007' - 1048576.

You may use \yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid::$maxEntriesPerFile to restrict maximum rows in the single result file. In case the export result produce more then one CSV file - these files will be automatically archived into the single archive file. For example:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'query' => Item::find(),
    'maxEntriesPerFile' => 60000, // limit max rows per single file
$exporter->export()->saveAs('/path/to/archive-file.zip'); // output ZIP archive!

Note: you are not forced to receive multiple files result as a single archive. You can use \yii2tech\csvgrid\ExportResult::$csvFiles to manually iterate over created CSV files and process them as you like:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'query' => Item::find(),
    'maxEntriesPerFile' => 60000, // limit max rows per single file
$result = $exporter->export();

foreach ($result->csvFiles as $csvFile) {
    /* @var $csvFile \yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvFile */
    copy($csvFile->name, '/path/to/dir/' . basename($csvFile->name));

Archiving results

Export result is archived automatically, if it contains more then one CSV file. However, you may enforce archiving of the export result via \yii2tech\csvgrid\ExportResult::$forceArchive:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'query' => Item::find(),
    'resultConfig' => [
        'forceArchive' => true // always archive the results
$exporter->export()->saveAs('/path/to/archive-file.zip'); // output ZIP archive!

Heads up! By default \yii2tech\csvgrid\ExportResult uses PHP Zip extension for the archive creating. Thus it will fail, if this extension is not present in your environment.

You can setup your own archive method via \yii2tech\csvgrid\ExportResult::$archiver. For example:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'query' => Item::find(),
    'resultConfig' => [
        'forceArchive' => true,
        'archiver' => function (array $files, $dirName) {
            $archiveFileName = $dirName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'items.tar';

            foreach ($files as $fileName) {
                // add $fileName to $archiveFileName archive

            return $archiveFileName;

While sending file to the browser via \yii2tech\csvgrid\ExportResult::send() there is no need to check if result is archived or not as correct file extension will be append automatically:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use yii\web\Controller;

class ItemController extends Controller
    public function actionExport()
        $exporter = new CsvGrid([
            'dataProvider' => new ActiveDataProvider([
                'query' => Item::find(), // over 1 million records
            'maxEntriesPerFile' => 60000,

        return $exporter->export()->send('items.csv'); // displays dialog for saving `items.csv.zip`!

Customize output format

Although CSV dictates particular data format (each value quoted, values separated by comma, lines separated by line break), some cases require its changing. For example: you may need to separate values using semicolon, or may want to create TSV (tabular separated values) file instead CSV. You may customize format entries using \yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid::$csvFileConfig:


use yii2tech\csvgrid\CsvGrid;

$exporter = new CsvGrid([
    'query' => Item::find(),
    'csvFileConfig' => [
        'cellDelimiter' => "\t",
        'rowDelimiter' => "\n",
        'enclosure' => '',