
Simple, lightweight logger to stdout in JSON format

2.1.2 2021-11-01 19:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:14:09 UTC


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Loggy is a simple, lightweight logger for PHP, designed to log to stdout or files in JSON format.

The impetus for this package is to have a consistent log format across all applications in the web stack, with JSON output as to be easily consumed by a log forwarder and pushed to an ELK stack with minimal processing.

Loggy can be used via logger objects or using static methods for ease of use in your application.

Static methods uses the Singleton pattern to prevent redundancy.


Loggy can be installed in your app via composer

composer require yubb/loggy


  • Loggy implements Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.
  • Loggy can be configured to write logs to stdout (default behavior) or write to files.
  • If writing to a file, loggy can rotate log files on Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis.
  • Loggy have different formats for logs, JSON (default), Pretty JSON, or Line.
    • Json: logs formatted as a JSON object.
    • Pretty JSON: logs formatted as a JSON object with timestamp converted to human-friendly format (ISO-8601 which is still ELK stack compatible).
    • Line: logs formatted as a line. (more suitable for dev environments.)

Log Structure

timestampUNIX seconds epochUNIX seconds epoch that is timezone independent
channelStringlogger's channel
contextJSON object
backtraceJSON objectThis contains the line, function, class, and file at where the log was written.


This is configuration parameters for logger's constructor or static Loggy's configuration.

$channelStringLogger's channel
$min_log_levelInteger OR Loggy's level constsMinimum level at which log will be writtenLoggy::DEBUG
$formatInteger OR Loggy's format constsThe format of logsLoggy::JSON
$streamString OR Loggy's stdout/stderr constsThe stream at which logs will be written, can be either a filepath or stdout/stderrLoggy::STDOUT
$rotationDate Format OR Loggy's rotation constsWill add a date formatted by the given format ( Only relevant if $stream is a filepath )Loggy::FILE_NO_ROTATE

Other Logging rotation consts are:

    Loggy::FILE_NO_ROTATE = ''    
    Loggy::FILE_PER_DAY = 'Y-m-d'
    Loggy::FILE_PER_WEEK = 'Y-W'
    Loggy::FILE_PER_MONTH = 'Y-m'

Basic usage (Using static methods)

At the entrypoint of your application, you should set loggy.


From there, any calls in the request will use this loggy instance ONLY and will display logs with the given channel.

Loggy::info_s('TEST DEBUG', ['foo' => 'bar', 'fizz' => 'buzz']);

This will produce a log to stdout that looks like:

  "timestamp": "1549908364",
  "channel": "my-app",
  "level": "DEBUG",
  "level_value": 100,
  "message": "TEST DEBUG",
  "context": {
    "foo": "bar",
    "fizz": "buzz"
  "backtrace": {
      "line": 30,
      "function": "DoTheThing",
      "class": "MyApp\\MyAppClass",
      "file": "/myappdirectory/MyAppClass.php"

(Note: the log will be only one line, and not formatted as nicely as above)

Min log level

When setting loggy, you can define the minimum log level as such

Loggy::setLogger('my-app', Loggy::INFO);

Pretty format

When setting loggy, you can set it to log in 'pretty' format, which will print the logs in a more human format instead of JSON. This is usually good for dev environments.


Loggy::setLogger('my-app', Loggy::INFO, Loggy::PRETTY_JSON);

Pretty Json is the same as JSON except that it converts timestamp to human readable date instead of unix epoch.


Loggy::setLogger('my-app', Loggy::INFO, Loggy::LINE);

Logs will be sent to stdout and look like:

2019-01-23 14:06:12.816700 [INFO] <my-app> TEST INFO {"foo":"bar","fizz":"buzz"} (in /myappdirectory/MyAppClass.php, MyApp\\MyAppClass:DoTheThing, line 30)