
This package is used to export/import database data to/from different formats. Currently it supports only MySQL database and JSON export/import structure.

2.0.0 2015-12-03 07:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:22:21 UTC


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The purpose of the package is to export/import certain data records from a database. Say, you have a bunch of related DB tables, which represent your user module. So, you want to copy a user with all the related information to another database, which already has tables created.

It is better to use a DI container to ease the usage of the package.


$connection = new \PDO('mysql:dbname=DATABASE_NAME;host=HOST', 'USER', 'PASSWORD');

$columnsProvider = new MySqlTableColumnsProvider($connection);
$tablesProvider = new MySqlTablesProvider($columnsProvider);

$dataProvider = new MySqlDataProvider($tablesProvider);
    ->setForeignValueProvider(new TableForeignKeysValuesProvider())

$exporter = new JsonDataExporter();
$data = $exporter
    ->setColumnsExporter(new JsonTableColumnsExporter())
    ->setDataRowsExporter(new JsonTableDataRowsExporter())

Finally, this $data variable contains a JSON string, which is ready to be imported. Pay attention that auto increment values of the root table are reset while importing.


$connection = new \PDO('mysql:dbname=DATABASE_NAME;host=HOST', 'USER', 'PASSWORD');

$dataParser = new JsonDataParser();
    ->setColumnsCreator(new JsonColumnsCreator())
    ->setDataRowsCreator(new JsonDataRowsCreator())

$subject = new MySqlDataImporter();
    ->setObserver(new AutoIncrementObserver(new ForeignKeyColumnsFinder()))
    ->setAutoIncrementFinder(new AutoIncrementTableColumnFinder())

Currently it supports only MySQL database and JSON export/import structure.

The test database dump is located in dump.sql.gz.