
This PHP library can easily parse xml files, especially RSS1.0, RSS2.0 and ATOM.

1.0.6 2017-01-30 14:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 02:17:43 UTC


Coverage Status Build Status Stable Version Download Count License

This parser can handle RSS easily without being conscious of the difference of RSS1.0 and RSS2.0 and ATOM. and gets the minimum necessary value.

  1. site name
  2. site url
  3. article title
  4. article url
  5. article description
  6. date that article posted
  7. thumbnail of article

This thumbnail is composed by og:img and img tags included description.


  • PHP
    • =5.5 >=5.6, >=7.0

  • ext-xml
  • ext-curl
  • Composer


  • Using composer
    "require": {
       "yuzuru-s/parse-rss": "1.0.*"
$ php composer.phar update yuzuru-s/parse-rss --dev

How to use

Please check sample code

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use YuzuruS\Rss\Feed;

$url = 'http://blog.livedoor.jp/dqnplus/index.rdf';
$ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36';
$res = Feed::load($url, $ua, true);

echo 'Title:' . $res['channel']['title'] . "\n";
echo 'Link:' . $res['channel']['link'] . "\n";

foreach ($res['item'] as $r) {
	echo "\t" . 'Article Title:' . $r['title'] . "\n";
	echo "\t" . 'Article Description:' . $r['description'] . "\n";
	echo "\t" . 'Article Date:' . $r['date'] . "\n";
	echo "\t" . 'Article og:img:' . $r['image']['ogimg'] . "\n";
	foreach ($r['image']['img'] as $i) {
		echo "\t\t" . 'Desc:img:' . $i . "\n";


array(2) {
  'channel' =>
  array(2) {
    'title' =>
    string(27) "site name"
    'link' =>
    string "site url"
  'item' =>
  array(15) {
    [0] =>
    array(5) {
      'title' =>
      string "title"
      'link' =>
      'date' =>
      string "date"
      'description' =>
      string "description"
      'image' =>
      array(2) {
        'ogimg' =>
        string(58) "img url"
        'img' =>
        array(3) {
          [0] =>
          string(58) "img url1"
          [1] =>
          string(58) "img url2"
          [2] =>
          string(94) "img url3"
    [1] =>
    array(5) {

You can also enable caching:

Feed::$cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/tmp';
Feed::$cacheExpire = '5 hours';

How to run unit test

Run with default setting.

% vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist

Currently tested with PHP 7.0.0


  • 1.0.1
    • Bug fix
  • 1.0.0
    • Published


Copyright (c) 2016 YUZURU SUZUKI. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.
