yzh52521 / filesystem
Flysystem V2 adapter for the webman
2022-09-26 05:12 UTC
- php: >=8.0.2
- league/flysystem: ^3.0
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3: ^3.0
- league/flysystem-memory: ^3.0
- overtrue/flysystem-cos: ^5.0
- overtrue/flysystem-qiniu: ^3.0
- yzh52521/flysystem-obs: ^2.0
- yzh52521/flysystem-oss: ^3.0
composer require yzh52521/filesystem
配置文件在 config/plugin/yzh52521/filesystem 下
return [
'default' => 'local',
'storage' => [
'local' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\LocalAdapter::class,
'root' => public_path(),
'memory' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\MemoryAdapter::class,
's3' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\S3Adapter::class,
'key' => 'S3_KEY',
'secret' => 'S3_SECRET',
'region' => 'S3_REGION',
'version' => 'latest',
'bucket_endpoint' => false,
'use_path_style_endpoint' => false,
'endpoint' => 'S3_ENDPOINT',
'bucket_name' => 'S3_BUCKET',
'oss' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\AliyunAdapter::class,
'access_id' => 'OSS_ACCESS_ID',
'access_secret' => 'OSS_ACCESS_SECRET',
'bucket' => 'OSS_BUCKET',
'endpoint' => 'OSS_ENDPOINT',
'prefix' => '',
'isCName' => false,
'options' => []
'qiniu' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\QiniuAdapter::class,
'access_key' => 'QINIU_ACCESS_KEY',
'secret_key' => 'QINIU_SECRET_KEY',
'bucket' => 'QINIU_BUCKET',
'domain' => 'QINBIU_DOMAIN',
'cos' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\CosAdapter::class,
'region' => 'COS_REGION',
'app_id' => 'COS_APPID',
'secret_id' => 'COS_SECRET_ID',
'secret_key' => 'COS_SECRET_KEY',
// 可选,如果 bucket 为私有访问请打开此项
// 'signed_url' => false,
'bucket' => 'COS_BUCKET',
'prefix' => '',
'read_from_cdn' => false,
// 'timeout' => 60,
// 'connect_timeout' => 60,
// 'cdn' => '',
// 'scheme' => 'https',
'obs' => [
'driver' => \yzh52521\Filesystem\Adapter\ObsAdapter::class,
'key' => 'OBS_ACCESS_ID',
// <Your Huawei OBS AccessKeyId>
'secret' => 'OBS_ACCESS_KEY',
// <Your Huawei OBS AccessKeySecret>
'bucket' => 'OBS_BUCKET',
// <OBS bucket name>
'endpoint' => 'OBS_ENDPOINT',
// <the endpoint of OBS, E.g: (https:// or http://).obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com | custom domain, E.g:img.abc.com> OBS 外网节点或自定义外部域名
'cdn_domain' => 'OBS_CDN_DOMAIN',
//<CDN domain, cdn域名> 如果isCName为true, getUrl会判断cdnDomain是否设定来决定返回的url,如果cdnDomain未设置,则使用endpoint来生成url,否则使用cdn
'ssl_verify' => 'OBS_SSL_VERIFY',
// <true|false> true to use 'https://' and false to use 'http://'. default is false,
'debug' => 'APP_DEBUG',
'prefix' => '',
'bucket_endpoint' => '',
'temporary_url' => '',
// <true|false>
- 阿里云 OSS 适配器
composer require "yzh52521/flysystem-oss:^3.0"
- S3 适配器
composer require "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3:^3.0"
- 七牛云适配器
composer require "overtrue/flysystem-qiniu:^3.0"
- 内存适配器
composer require "league/flysystem-memory:^3.0"
- 腾讯云 COS 适配器
composer require "overtrue/flysystem-cos:^5.0"
- 华为云 OBS 适配器
composer require "yzh52521/flysystem-obs:^2.0"
通过Filesystem::disk('local') 来调用不同的适配器
use yzh52521\Filesystem\Facade\Filesystem;
public function upload(\support\Request $request){
$file = $request->file('file');
$result = Filesystem::putFile('webman',$file);
try {
'image' => [
// 限制文件大小(单位b),这里限制为4M
'fileSize' => 4 * 1024 * 1000,
// 限制文件后缀,多个后缀以英文逗号分割
'fileExt' => 'gif,jpg,png,jpeg'
)->check(['image' => $file]);
$path = Filesystem::disk('local')->putFile('webman',$file);
}catch (\yzh52521\validate\exception\ValidateException | \Exception $e){
$fileUrl = Filesystem::url($path);
$fileUrl = Filesystem::disk('oss')->url($path);
用例中使用了 validate 验证器
安装 validate
composer require "yzh52521/webman-validate"
方法 | 描述 | 默认 |
disk | 选定器 | config中配置的default |
url | 获取文件访问地址 | |
putFile | 保存文件 | |
putFileAs | 指定文件名保存文件 | |
put | 保存文件 |