
A package for minify or combine css and javascript files

2.0 2022-08-03 13:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:49 UTC


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With this package you can combine and minify your existing css and javascript files automatically.


Begin by installing this package through Composer.

Run composer require zanysoft/laravel-assets

// config/app.php

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'Assets'    => 'ZanySoft\LaravelAssets\Facade',

Publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish  --provider="ZanySoft\LaravelAssets\AssetsServiceProvider"

Now you have a Assets facade available.


// resources/views/hello.blade.php

        // Pack a simple file
        {{ Assets::css('/css/main.css', '/storage/cache/css/main.css') }}

        // Pack a simple file using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::css('/css/main.css', 'css/main.css') }}

        // Packing multiple files
        {{ Assets::css(['/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'], '/storage/cache/css/styles.css') }}

        // Packing multiple files using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::css(['/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'], 'css/styles.css') }}

        // Packing multiple files with autonaming based
        {{ Assets::css(['/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'], '/storage/cache/css/') }}

        // pack and combine all css files in given folder
        {{ Assets::cssDir('/css/', '/storage/cache/css/all.css') }}

        // pack and combine all css files in given folder using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::cssDir('/css/', 'css/all.css') }}

        // Packing multiple folders
        {{ Assets::cssDir(['/css/', '/theme/'], '/storage/cache/css/all.css') }}

        // Packing multiple folders with recursive search
        {{ Assets::cssDir(['/css/', '/theme/'], '/storage/cache/css/all.css', true) }}

        // Packing multiple folders with recursive search and autonaming
        {{ Assets::cssDir(['/css/', '/theme/'], '/storage/cache/css/', true) }}

        // Packing multiple folders with recursive search and autonaming using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::cssDir(['/css/', '/theme/'], 'css/', true) }}

CSS url() values will be converted to absolute path to avoid file references problems.


// resources/views/hello.blade.php

        // Pack a simple file
        {{ Assets::js('/js/main.js', '/storage/cache/js/main.js') }}

        // Pack a simple file using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::js('/js/main.js', 'js/main.js') }}

        // Packing multiple files
        {{ Assets::js(['/js/main.js', '/js/bootstrap.js'], '/storage/cache/js/styles.js') }}

        // Packing multiple files using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::js(['/js/main.js', '/js/bootstrap.js'], 'js/styles.js') }}

        // Packing multiple files with autonaming based
        {{ Assets::js(['/js/main.js', '/js/bootstrap.js'], '/storage/cache/js/') }}

        // pack and combine all js files in given folder
        {{ Assets::jsDir('/js/', '/storage/cache/js/all.js') }}

        // pack and combine all js files in given folder using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::jsDir('/js/', 'js/all.js') }}

        // Packing multiple folders
        {{ Assets::jsDir(['/js/', '/theme/'], '/storage/cache/js/all.js') }}

        // Packing multiple folders with recursive search
        {{ Assets::jsDir(['/js/', '/theme/'], '/storage/cache/js/all.js', true) }}

        // Packing multiple folders with recursive search and autonaming
        {{ Assets::jsDir(['/js/', '/theme/'], '/storage/cache/js/', true) }}

        // Packing multiple folders with recursive search and autonaming using cache_folder option as storage folder to packed file
        {{ Assets::jsDir(['/js/', '/theme/'], 'js/', true) }}


return array(

    | App environments to not pack
    | These environments will not be minified and all individual files are
    | returned

    'ignore_environments' => ['local'],

    | Base folder to store packed files
    | If you are using relative paths to second paramenter in css and js
    | commands, this files will be created with this folder as base.
    | This folder in relative to 'public_path' value

    'cache_folder' => '/storage/cache/',

    | Check if some file to pack have a recent timestamp
    | Compare current packed file with all files to pack. If exists one more
    | recent than packed file, will be packed again with a new autogenerated
    | name.

    'check_timestamps' => true,

    | Check if you want minify css files or only pack them together
    | You can check this option if you want to join and minify all css files or
    | only join files

    'css_minify' => true,

    | Check if you want minify js files or only pack them together
    | You can check this option if you want to join and minify all js files or
    | only join files

    'js_minify' => true,

If you set the 'check_timestamps' option, a timestamp value will be added to final filename.