
Get Google, Bing, Baidu, Ebay, Yahoo, Yandex, Home depot, Naver, Apple, Duckduckgo, Youtube search results via

1.0.1 2023-08-15 12:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 18:17:45 UTC


Get Google, Bing, Baidu, Ebay, Yahoo, Yandex, Home depot, Naver, Apple, Duckduckgo, Youtube search results via

Latest Stable Version MIT License Build Status Quality Score Total Downloads

This is where your description should go.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require zanysoft/laravel-serpapi


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ZanySoft\LaravelSerpApi\SerpApiServiceProvider" --tag="serpapi-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'api_key' => env('SERPAPI_API_KEY'),
    'search_engine' => env('SERPAPI_ENGINE', 'google')

Get "your api key" from


Then you can start coding something like:

use ZanySoft\LaravelSerpApi\Facades\SerpApi;

$client = SerpApi::GoogleSearch();
$query = ["q" => "coffee","location"=>"Austin,Texas"];
$response = $client->get_json($query);

Alternatively, you can search:

  • Bing using SerpApi::BingSearch()
  • Baidu using SerpApi::BaiduSearch()
  • Ebay using SerpApi::EbaySearch()
  • Yahoo using SerpApi::YahooSearch()
  • Yandex using SerpApi::YandexSearch()
  • Walmart using SerpApi::WalmartSearch()
  • Youtube using SerpApi::YoutubeSearch()
  • HomeDepot using SerpApi::Search($engine)
  • Apple App Store using SerpApi::Search($engine)
  • Naver using SerpApi::NaverSearch()

See the playground to generate your code.


Search API capability

use ZanySoft\LaravelSerpApi\Facades\SerpApi;

$client = SerpApi::GoogleSearch();

$query = [
  "q" =>  "query",
  "google_domain" =>  "Google Domain", 
  "location" =>  "Location Requested", 
  "device" =>  "device",
  "hl" =>  "Google UI Language",
  "gl" =>  "Google Country",
  "safe" =>  "Safe Search Flag",
  "num" =>  "Number of Results",
  "start" =>  "Pagination Offset",
  "serp_api_key" =>  "Your SERP API Key",
  "tbm" => "nws|isch|shop"
  "tbs" => "custom to be search criteria"
  "async" => true|false # allow async 

$html_results = $client->get_html($query);
$json_results = $client->get_json($query);

Location API

use ZanySoft\LaravelSerpApi\Facades\SerpApi;

$client = SerpApi::GoogleSearch();

$location_list = $client->get_location('Austin', 3);

it prints the first 3 location matching Austin (Texas, Texas, Rochester)

  :name=>"Austin, TX",
  :canonical_name=>"Austin,TX,Texas,United States",
  :target_type=>"DMA Region",
  :gps=>[-97.7430608, 30.267153],
  :keys=>["austin", "tx", "texas", "united", "states"]},

Account API

use ZanySoft\LaravelSerpApi\Facades\SerpApi;

$client = SerpApi::GoogleSearch();

$info = $client->get_account();

it prints your account information.

Search Google Images

use ZanySoft\LaravelSerpApi\Facades\SerpApi;

$client = SerpApi::GoogleSearch();
$data = $client->get_json([
  'q' => "Coffee", 
  'tbm' => 'isch'

foreach($data->images_results as $image_result) {

this code prints all the images links


SerpApi supports all the major search engines. Google has the more advance support with all the major services available: Images, News, Shopping and more.. To enable a type of search, the field tbm (to be matched) must be set to:

  • isch: Google Images API.
  • nws: Google News API.
  • shop: Google Shopping API.
  • any other Google service should work out of the box.
  • (no tbm parameter): regular Google search. The field tbs allows to customize the search even more.

The full documentation is available here.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.