
Zend Server API Phing Wrapper

0.0.1 2012-12-06 19:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 18:02:34 UTC



For usage instructions, see the Wiki section

Installation via composer

To install the Zend Server API phing integration, your composer.json file should look like this:

  "repositories": [
			"type": "composer",
			"url": "http://packages.zendframework.com/"
    "require": {
        "zendserverapi/zendserverapi-phing": "dev-master"
    "minimum-stability": "dev"

Run composer.phar install from your project root and you should be ready to go.

Please note:You don't really need the repositories section in your composer.json - the side effect will be, that you've the whole zf2 framework installed via composer. The library still works as expected, but there will be an overhead during installation.

Configure your servers

You can find the configuration file, starting from your project root, at vendor/zendserverapi/zendserverapi/config/config.php.

A valid configfile may look like this:


return array(
  "servers" => array (
    # Contains a valid default config
    "general" => array(
      "version" => \ZendServerAPI\Version::ZS56,
      "apiName" => "api",
      "fullApiKey" => "bee698dde6a95de71932d65cb655c31fc4ea04c1fabaf6f0a1b852617eac32ab",
      "readApiKey" => "",
      "host" => "",
      "port" => "10081"
  "settings" => array (
    'loglevel' => \Zend\Log\Logger::DEBUG        

Please note: you can manage multiple servers within this configfile:


return array(
  "servers" => array (
    # Contains a valid default config
    "general" => array(
      "version" => \ZendServerAPI\Version::ZS56,
      "apiName" => "api",
      "fullApiKey" => "bee698dde6a95de71932d65cb655c31fc4ea04c1fabaf6f0a1b852617eac32ab",
      "readApiKey" => "",
      "host" => "",
      "port" => "10081"
    "production" => array(
      "version" => \ZendServerAPI\Version::ZSCM56,
      "apiName" => "admin",
      "fullApiKey" => "f49c7cd904b631ed1de43727a7c9ccca7324688482b19140a778d9b5020ca369",
      "readApiKey" => "",
      "host" => "",
      "port" => "10081"
    "stage" => array(
      "version" => \ZendServerAPI\Version::ZSCM56,
      "apiName" => "stageenvironment",
      "fullApiKey" => "71ce992da55734b0ad408264e721ca8cabfef4dba158ebeca3653eb290a49c00",
      "readApiKey" => "",
      "host" => "",
      "port" => "10081"
  "settings" => array (
    'loglevel' => \Zend\Log\Logger::DEBUG        

The attribute server is available on every provided phing task from the zendserverapi. If you keep it empty the general section will be used.

Make phing tasks available

It's quite easy to make the phing tasks available - just 1 line of code in your build file (below the project section):

<import file="vendor/zendserverapi/zendserverapi-phing/definition.xml"/>

And you can start using the provided tasks.