
Wrapper for league/flysystem with alternate API and added functionality.

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1.x-dev 2024-08-16 00:33 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-16 01:03:17 UTC


CI codecov

This library is a wrapper for the excellent league/flysystem File Storage Abstraction library. It provides an alternate API with the following major changes:

  1. The main difference is the concept of Directory, File and Image objects. These are wrappers for an individual filesystem node and provide info, metadata and more features. These can be passed around (ie sent to your templates) or even used as Doctrine Types.
  2. Combine certain Flysystem methods. For example, delete() removes both files and directories, write() can write both strings and streams (+ more).
  3. Eases the use of filesystem files as real, local files. Many 3rd party libraries that manipulate files require local files.

Additionally, the following features are provided:

  1. Filesystem wrappers to add additional functionality (ie MultiFilesystem, and LoggableFilesystem).
  2. Powerful testing helpers.
  3. ZipFile/TarFile representing a local zip/tar(.gz/bz2) file that acts as both a filesystem and a real file.
  4. Doctrine Integration.
  5. Symfony Integration


composer require zenstruck/filesystem



/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $filesystem */

// read operations
$filesystem->has('some/path'); // bool
$filesystem->node('some/path'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File|Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory or throws NodeNotFound
$filesystem->file('some/path.txt'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File or throws NodeNotFound or NodeTypeMismatch (if exists but not a file)
$filesystem->image('some/path.png'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\Image or throws NodeNotFound or NodeTypeMismatch (if exists but not an image)
$filesystem->directory('some/path'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory or throws NodeNotFound or NodeTypeMismatch (if exists but not a directory)

// write operations (returns Zenstruck\Filesystem\File)
$filesystem->write('some/path.txt', 'string contents'); // write a string
$filesystem->write('some/path.txt', $resource); // write a resource
$filesystem->write('some/path.txt', new \SplFileInfo('path/to/local/file.txt')); // write a local file
$filesystem->write('some/path.txt', $file); // write a Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File

$filesystem->copy('from/file.txt', 'dest/file.txt'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File (dest/file.txt)

$filesystem->move('from/file.txt', 'dest/file.txt'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File (dest/file.txt)

$filesystem->delete('some/file.txt'); // returns self
$filesystem->delete('some/directory'); // returns self

// mkdir operations (returns Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory)
$filesystem->mkdir('some/directory'); // create an empty directory
$filesystem->mkdir('some/prefix', $directory); // create directory with files from Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory
$filesystem->mkdir('some/prefix', new \SplFileInfo('path/to/local/directory')); // create directory with files from local directory

$filesystem->chmod('some/file.txt', 'private'); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node (some/file.txt)

// utility methods
$filesystem->name(); // string - human-readable name for the filesystem


Interface: Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node.

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node $node */

$node->path(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Path
$node->path()->toString(); // string - the full path
(string) $node->path(); // same as above
$node->path()->name(); // string - filename with extension
$node->path()->basename(); // string - filename without extension
$node->path()->extension(); // string|null - file extension
$node->path()->dirname(); // string - the parent directory

$node->dsn(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Dsn
$node->dsn()->toString(); // string - <filesystem-name>://<full-path>
(string) $node->dsn(); // same as above
$node->dsn()->path(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Path
$node->dsn()->filesystem(); // string - name of the filesystem this node belongs to

$node->directory(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory|null - parent directory object

$node->visibility(); // string - ie "public" or "private"
$node->lastModified(); // \DateTimeImmutable (in currently configured timezone)

$node->isDirectory(); // bool
$node->isFile(); // bool
$node->isImage(); // bool

$node->exists(); // bool
$node->ensureExists(); // static or throws NodeNotFound

$node->refresh(); // static and clears any cached metadata

$node->ensureDirectory(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory or throws NodeTypeMismatch (if not a directory)
$node->ensureFile(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File or throws NodeTypeMismatch (if not a file)
$node->ensureImage(); // Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Image or throws NodeTypeMismatch (if not an image)


Interface: Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File (extends Node).

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File $file */

$file->contents(); // string - the file's contents

$file->stream(); // \Zenstruck\Stream - wrapper for a resource

$file->read(); // "raw" resource

$file->size(); // int

$file->guessExtension(); // string|null - returns extension if available or attempts to guess from mime-type

$file->checksum(); // string - using FilesystemAdapter's default algorithm
$file->checksum('md5'); // string - specify the algorithm

$file->publicUrl(); // string (needs to be configured)
$file->temporaryUrl(new \DateTimeImmutable('+30 minutes')); // string - expiring url (needs to be configured)
$file->temporaryUrl('+30 minutes'); // equivalent to above

$file->tempFile(); // \SplFileInfo - temporary local file that's deleted at the end of the script


See zenstruck/temp-file for more details about File::tempFile().


See zenstruck/stream for more details about File::stream().


Class: Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\PendingFile (extends \SplFileInfo and implements File).

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\PendingFile;

$file = new PendingFile('/path/to/local/file.txt');
$file->path()->toString(); // "/path/to/local/file.txt"

/** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $uploadedFile */

$file = new PendingFile($uploadedFile);
$file->path()->toString(); // $uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName()


Interface: Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\Image (extends File).

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\Image $image */

$image->dimensions(); // Zenstruck\Image\Dimensions
$image->dimensions()->height(); // int
$image->dimensions()->width(); // int
$image->dimensions()->pixels(); // int
$image->dimensions()->aspectRatio(); // float
$image->dimensions()->isSquare(); // bool
$image->dimensions()->isPortrait(); // bool
$image->dimensions()->isLandscape(); // bool

$image->exif(); // array - image exif data if available
$image->iptc(); // array - image iptc data if available

$thumbHash = $image->thumbHash(); // Zenstruck\Image\Hash\ThumbHash (requires srwiez/thumbhash)
$thumbHash->dataUri(); // string - data uri for the thumb
$thumbHash->key(); // string - hash for the thumb (to store in database/cache)

$image->transformUrl('filter-name'); // string (needs to be configured)
$image->transformUrl(['w' => 100, 'h' => 50]); // string (needs to be configured)

    function(ManipulationObject $image) {
        // make manipulations

        return $image;
); // PendingImage


See zenstruck/image for more details about Image::transform() and Image::thumbHash().


Class: Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\Image\PendingImage (extends PendingFile and implements Image).

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\Image\PendingImage;

$image = new PendingImage('/path/to/local/file.txt');
$image = new PendingImage($symfonyUploadedFile);

// transform and overwrite
    function(ManipulationObject $image) {
        // make manipulations

        return $image;
); // self


Interface: Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory (extends Node).

/** @var Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory $directory */

// iterate over nodes (non-recursive)
foreach ($directory as $node) {
    /** @var Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node $node */

// iterate over only files (non-recursive)
foreach ($directory->files() as $file) {
    /** @var Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File $file */

// iterate over only directories (non-recursive)
foreach ($directory->directories() as $dir) {
    /** @var Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory $dir */

// recursively iterate
foreach ($directory->recursive() as $node) {
    /** @var Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node $node */

// advanced filter
$directories = $directory
    ->olderThan('30 days ago')
    ->newerThan('20 days ago')
    ->filter(function(File $file) { // custom filter
        if ($someCondition) {
            return false; // exclude

        return true; // include

// get first matching node
$directories->first(); // null|\Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node


Most of the advanced filters require symfony/finder (composer require symfony/finder).



use Zenstruck\Filesystem\FlysystemFilesystem;

/** @var \League\Flysystem\FilesystemOperator $operator */
/** @var \League\Flysystem\FilesystemAdapter $adapter */

// create from an already configured Flysystem Filesystem Operator
$filesystem = new FlysystemFilesystem($operator);

// create from an already configured Flysystem Filesystem Adapter
$filesystem = new FlysystemFilesystem($operator);

// create for local directory
$filesystem = new FlysystemFilesystem('/path/to/local/dir');

// create for dsn (see available DSNs below)
$filesystem = new FlysystemFilesystem('flysystem+ftp://user:pass@host.com:21/root');

Filesystem DSNs


use Zenstruck\Filesystem\ScopedFilesystem;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $primaryFilesystem */

$scopedFilesystem = new ScopedFilesystem($primaryFilesystem, 'some/prefix');

// paths are prefixed
    ->write('file.txt', 'content')
    ->path()->toString(); // "some/prefix/file.txt"

// prefix is stripped from path
    ->write('some/prefix/file.txt', 'content')
    ->path()->toString(); // "some/prefix/file.txt"


use Zenstruck\Filesystem\MultiFilesystem;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $filesystem1 */
/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $filesystem2 */

$filesystem = new MultiFilesystem([
    'filesystem1' => $filesystem1,
    'filesystem2' => $filesystem2,

// prefix paths with a "scheme" as the filesystem's name
$filesystem->file('filesystem1://some/file.txt'); // File from "filesystem1"
$filesystem->file('filesystem2://another/file.txt'); // File from "filesystem2"

// can copy and move across filesystems
$filesystem->copy('filesystem1://file.txt', 'filesystem2://file.txt');
$filesystem->move('filesystem1://file.txt', 'filesystem2://file.txt');

// set a default filesystem for when no scheme is set
$filesystem = new MultiFilesystem(
        'filesystem1' => $filesystem1,
        'filesystem2' => $filesystem2,
    default: 'filesystem2'

$filesystem->file('another/file.txt'); // File from "filesystem2"



A psr/log-implementation is required.

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\LoggableFilesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Operation;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $inner */
/** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger */

$filesystem = new LoggableFilesystem($inner, $logger);

// operations are logged
$filesystem->write('file.txt', 'content'); // logged as '[info] Writing "string" to "file.txt" on filesystem "<filesystem-name>"'

// customize the log levels for each operation
$filesystem = new LoggableFilesystem($inner, $logger, [
    Operation::READ => false, // disable logging read operations
    Operation::WRITE => LogLevel::DEBUG,
    Operation::MOVE => LogLevel::ALERT,
    Operation::COPY => LogLevel::CRITICAL,
    Operation::DELETE => LogLevel::EMERGENCY,
    Operation::CHMOD => LogLevel::ERROR,
    Operation::MKDIR => LogLevel::NOTICE,



A psr/event-dispatcher-implementation is required.

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Event\EventDispatcherFilesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Operation;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $inner */
/** @var \Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher */

$filesystem = new EventDispatcherFilesystem($inner, $dispatcher, [
    // set these to false or exclude to disable dispatching operation's event
    Operation::WRITE => true,
    Operation::COPY => true,
    Operation::MOVE => true,
    Operation::DELETE => true,
    Operation::CHMOD => true,
    Operation::MKDIR => true,

$filesystem->write('foo', 'bar'); // PreWriteEvent/PostWriteEvent dispatched
$filesystem->mkdir('bar'); // PreMkdirEvent/PostMkdirEvent dispatched
$filesystem->chmod('foo', 'public'); // PreChmodEvent/PostChmodEvent dispatched
$filesystem->copy('foo', 'file.png'); // PreCopyEvent/PostCopyEvent dispatched
$filesystem->delete('foo'); // PreDeleteEvent/PostDeleteEvent dispatched
$filesystem->move('file.png', 'file2.png'); // PreMoveEvent/PostMoveEvent dispatched


See event classes to see what is made available to them.


The Pre*Event properties can be manipulated.



league/flysystem-ziparchive is required (composer require league/flysystem-ziparchive).

This is a special filesystem wrapping a local zip archive. It acts as both a Filesystem and \SplFileInfo object:

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Archive\ZipFile;

$archive = new ZipFile('/local/path/to/archive.zip');
$archive->write('another/file.txt', 'content');

(string) $archive; // /local/path/to/archive.zip

When creating without a path, creates a temporary archive file (that's deleted at the end of the script):

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Archive\ZipFile;

$archive = new ZipFile();

$archive->write('some/file.txt', 'content');
$archive->write('another/file.txt', 'content');

(string) $archive; // /tmp/...

Write operations can be queued and committed via a transaction:

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Archive\ZipFile;

$archive = new ZipFile();

$archive->beginTransaction(); // start the transaction
$archive->write('some/file.txt', 'content');
$archive->write('another/file.txt', 'content');
$archive->commit(); // actually writes the above files

// optionally pass a progress callback to commit
$archive->commit(function() use ($progress) { // callback is called at most, 100 times

Static helper for quickly creating zip archives:

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Archive\ZipFile;

// compress a local file
$zipFile = ZipFile::compress(new \SplFileInfo('/some/local/file.txt')); // ZipFile (temp file deleted on script end)

// compress a local directory (all files (recursive) in "some/local/directory" are added to archive)
$zipFile = ZipFile::compress(new \SplFileInfo('some/local/directory'));

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File $file */

// compress a filesystem file
$zipFile = ZipFile::compress($file);

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory $directory */

// compress a filesystem directory
$zipFile = ZipFile::compress($directory);

// compress several local/filesystem files
$zipFile = ZipFile::compress([
    new \SplFileInfo('/some/local/file.txt'),
    'customize/path.txt' => $file, // use a string array key to set the path for the file

// customize the output filename (will not be deleted at end of script)
$zipFile = ZipFile::compress(..., filename: 'path/to/archive.zip');



league/flysystem-read-only is required (composer require league/flysystem-read-only).

This is a special filesystem wrapping an existing local tar(.gz/bz2) archive. It acts as both a readonly Filesystem and \SplFileInfo object:

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Archive\TarFile;

$archive = new TarFile('/local/path/to/archive.tar');
$archive = new TarFile('/local/path/to/archive.tar.gz');
$archive = new TarFile('/local/path/to/archive.tar.bz2');

$archive->file('some/file.txt'); // \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File


This filesystem wraps another and provides assertions for your tests. When using PHPUnit, these assertions are converted to PHPUnit assertions.


zenstruck/assert is required to use the assertions (composer require --dev zenstruck/assert).

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\TestFilesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\Node\TestDirectory;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\Node\TestFile
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\Node\TestImage;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem $filesystem */

$filesystem = new TestFilesystem($filesystem);

    ->assertSame('symfony.png', 'fixture://symfony.png')
    ->assertNotSame('file1.txt', 'fixture://symfony.png')
    ->assertDirectoryExists('foo', function(TestDirectory $dir) {

    ->assertFileExists('file1.txt', function(TestFile $file) {
            ->assertLastModified('2023-01-01 08:54')
            ->assertLastModified(function(\DateTimeInterface $actual) {
                // ...
    ->assertImageExists('symfony.png', function(TestImage $image) {

$file = $filesystem->realFile('symfony.png'); // \SplFileInfo('/tmp/symfony.png') - deleted at the end of the script


Use the InteractsWithFilesystem trait in your unit tests to quickly provide an in-memory filesystem.


By default, league/flysystem-memory is required (composer require --dev league/flysystem-memory).

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\InteractsWithFilesystem;

class MyTest extends TestCase
    use InteractsWithFilesystem;

    public function test_1(): void
        $filesystem = $this->filesystem(); // instance of TestFilesystem wrapping an in-memory filesystem
        $filesystem->write('file.txt', 'content');


To provide your own filesystem for your tests, have your tests (or base test-case) implement FilesystemProvider:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\InteractsWithFilesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\FilesystemProvider;

class MyTest extends TestCase implements FilesystemProvider
    use InteractsWithFilesystem;

    public function test_1(): void
        $filesystem = $this->filesystem(); // instance of TestFilesystem wrapping the AdapterFilesystem defined below
        $filesystem->write('file.txt', 'content');

    public function createFilesystem(): Filesystem|FilesystemAdapter|string;
        return '/some/temp/dir';


By default, the provided filesystem isn't reset before each test. See the ResetFilesystem to enable this behaviour.


A common requirement for filesystem tests, is to have a set of known fixture files that are used in your tests. Have your test's (or base test-case) implement FixtureFilesystemProvider to provide in your tests:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\InteractsWithFilesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\FixtureFilesystemProvider;

class MyTest extends TestCase implements FixtureFilesystemProvider
    use InteractsWithFilesystem;

    public function test_1(): void
        $filesystem = $this->filesystem(); // instance of TestFilesystem wrapping a MultiFilesystem

        $filesystem->write('file.txt', 'content'); // accesses your test filesystem
        $filesystem->copy('fixture://some/file.txt', 'file.txt'); // copy a fixture to your test filesystem

    public function createFixtureFilesystem(): Filesystem|FilesystemAdapter|string;
        return __DIR__.'/../fixtures';


If the league/flysystem-read-only adapter is available, it's used to wrap your fixture adapter to ensure you don't accidentally overwrite/delete your fixture files (composer require --dev league/flysystem-read-only).


If using your own FilesystemProvider, you can use the ResetFilesystem trait to purge your filesystem before each test.

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\ResetFilesystem
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\InteractsWithFilesystem;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Test\FilesystemProvider;

class MyTest extends TestCase implements FilesystemProvider
    use InteractsWithFilesystem, ResetFilesystem;

    public function test_1(): void
        $this->filesystem()->write('file.txt', 'content')

    public function test_2(): void
        $this->filesystem()->assertNotExists('file.txt'); // file created in test_1 was deleted before this test

    public function createFilesystem(): Filesystem|FilesystemAdapter|string;
        return '/some/temp/dir';

Symfony Integration


Helpful custom Symfony responses are provided.


Take a filesystem File and send as a response:

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Symfony\HttpFoundation\FileResponse;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\File $file */

$response = new FileResponse($file); // auto-adds content-type/last-modified headers

// create inline/attachment responses
$response = FileResponse::attachment($file); // auto names by the filename (file.txt)
$response = FileResponse::inline($file); // auto names by the filename (file.txt)

// customize the filename used for the content-disposition header
$response = FileResponse::attachment($file, 'different-name.txt');
$response = FileResponse::inline($file, 'different-name.txt');


Zip file(s) and send as a response. Can be created with a local file, local directory, instance of File or instance of Directory.

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Symfony\HttpFoundation\ArchiveResponse;

/** @var \SplFileInfo|\Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File|\Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\Directory $what */

$response = ArchiveResponse::zip($what);
$response = ArchiveResponse::zip($what, 'data.zip'); // customize the content-disposition name (defaults to archive.zip)


Both a PendingFile and PendingImage validator is provided. The constraints have the same API as Symfony's native File and Image constraints.

use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Symfony\Validator\PendingFileConstraint;
use Zenstruck\Filesystem\Symfony\Validator\PendingImageConstraint;

/** @var \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface $validator */
/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File $file */
/** @var \Zenstruck\Filesystem\Node\File\Image $image */

$validator->validate($file, new PendingFileConstraint(maxSize: '1M')));

$validator->validate($image, new PendingImageConstraint(maxWidth: 200, maxHeight: 200)));





Form Types





Public Url Route
Temporary Url Route
Transform Url Route

Doctrine Integration

Functional/Integration Testing

TODO: Note about Mock::pendingFile()/pendingImage(). TODO: Note about Foundry\LazyMock::pendingFile()/pendingImage().

Testing Performance

Full Default Bundle Configuration


    # Filesystem configurations

        # Prototype

            # Flysystem adapter DSN or, if prefixed with "@" flysystem adapter service id
            dsn:                  ~ # Required

                # Examples:
                # - '%kernel.project_dir%/public/files'
                # - 'flysystem+ftp://foo:bar@example.com/path'
                # - 'flysystem+s3://accessKeyId:accessKeySecret@bucket/prefix#us-east-1'
                # - 'static-in-memory'
                # - 'scoped:<name>:<prefix>'
                # - '@my_adapter_service'

            # Extra global adapter filesystem config
            config:               []

            # Lazily load the filesystem when the first call occurs
            lazy:                 true

            # Public URL generator for this filesystem

                # URL prefix or multiple prefixes to use for this filesystem (can be an array)

                    # Examples:
                    # - /files
                    # - 'https://cdn1.example.com'
                    # - 'https://cdn2.example.com'

                # Service id for a League\Flysystem\UrlGeneration\PublicUrlGenerator
                service:              null

                # Generate with a route

                    # Route name
                    name:                 ~ # Required

                    # Route parameters
                    parameters:           []

                    # Sign by default?
                    sign:                 false

                    # Default expiry
                    expires:              null # Example: '+ 30 minutes'

                # Enables cache busting for public urls
                    enabled:              false

                    # The metadata to use for versioning
                    metadata:             last_modified # One of "last_modified"; "size"; "checksum"

                    # The query parameter to use for versioning
                    parameter:            v

            # Temporary URL generator for this filesystem

                # Service id for a League\Flysystem\UrlGeneration\TemporaryUrlGenerator
                service:              null

                # Generate with a route

                    # Route name
                    name:                 ~ # Required

                    # Route parameters
                    parameters:           []

            # Image Transform URL generator for this filesystem

                # Service id for a League\Flysystem\UrlGeneration\PublicUrlGenerator
                service:              null

                # Generate with a route

                    # Route name
                    name:                 ~ # Required

                    # Route parameters
                    parameters:           []

                    # Sign by default?
                    sign:                 false

                    # Default expiry
                    expires:              null # Example: '+ 30 minutes'

            # Dispatch filesystem operation events
                enabled:              false
                write:                true
                delete:               true
                mkdir:                true
                chmod:                true
                copy:                 true
                move:                 true

            # Log filesystem operations
                enabled:              true
                read:                 debug # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"
                write:                info # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"
                move:                 ~ # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"
                copy:                 ~ # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"
                delete:               ~ # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"
                chmod:                ~ # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"
                mkdir:                ~ # One of false; "emergency"; "alert"; "critical"; "error"; "warning"; "notice"; "info"; "debug"

            # If true, and using the ResetFilesystem trait
            # in your KernelTestCase's, delete this filesystem
            # before each test.
            reset_before_tests:   false

    # Default filesystem name used to autowire Zenstruck\Filesystem
    default_filesystem:   null

    # Doctrine configuration
        enabled:              true

        # Global lifecycle events (can be disabled on a property-by-property basis)

            # Whether to auto load file type columns during object load
            autoload:             true

            # Whether to delete files on object removal
            delete_on_remove:     true

Backward Compatibility Promise

This library follows Symfony's BC Promise with the following exceptions:

  1. Zenstruck/Filesystem and any implementations are considered internal for implementation/extension.
  2. Zenstruck/Filesystem/Node and any implementations are considered internal for implementation/extension.