
Run phpMyAdmin in the background with a PHP webserver

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v1.8.0 2022-12-16 19:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 19:48:48 UTC


CI Latest Stable Version License

This library gives you a phpmyadmin command to start/stop a php webserver running phpMyAdmin in the background.



The preferred method of installation is to use the PHAR which can be downloaded from the most recent GitHub Release. This method ensures you will not have any dependency conflict issue.

wget https://github.com/zenstruck/phpmyadmin-server/releases/latest/download/phpmyadmin.phar -O phpmyadmin && chmod +x phpmyadmin
mv phpmyadmin ~/bin # assumes ~/bin is in your PATH


composer global require zenstruck/phpmyadmin-server

Note: Ensure you have ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin in your PATH to give access to the phpmyadmin command.


phpmyadmin init

This command will ask you questions about your setup and download the latest version of phpMyAdmin to ~/.phpmyadmin.

Note: If you ever need to change your configuration, run phpmyadmin init again.

Start/Stop Server


Check Status

phpmyadmin status

This command exits with 0 if running and 1 if not. You can add the following in your .bash_profile to ensure it's always running:

phpmyadmin status || phpmyadmin


If installed via PHAR, use the self-update command:

phpmyadmin self-update