
PHP library for interacting with the Pusher REST API

2.0.0 2016-03-14 11:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:08:38 UTC


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This is an unofficial Pusher PHP client for interacting with the REST Pusher API. Contrary to the official client, ZfrPusher is based on modern tools and with a better architecture.


Integration with frameworks

To make this library even more easier to use, here are various libraries:

Want to do an integration for another framework? Open an issue, and I'll open a repository for you!


We recommend you to use Composer to install ZfrPusher. Just add the following line into your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "zfr/zfr-pusher": "1.*"

Then, update your dependencies by typing: php composer.phar update.


ZfrPusher is separated into two ways: the client object (ZfrPusher\Client\PusherClient class) which allows to execute Guzzle commands manually, and the service object (ZfrPusher\Service\PusherService class) which is a thin layer around the client that aims to simplify usage and error handling.

This is how you create a Pusher service:

use ZfrPusher\Client\Credentials;
use ZfrPusher\Client\PusherClient;
use ZfrPusher\Service\PusherService;

$credentials = new Credentials('application-id', 'key', 'secret');
$client      = new PusherClient($credentials);
$service     = new PusherService($client);

Once you have access to the service, you can perform any operations.

Triggering events

To trigger an event to one or more channels, use the trigger method. First parameter can either be a single channel (string), or multiple channels (an array of strings):

// Single channel
$service->trigger('my-channel-1', 'my-event', array('key' => 'value'));

// Multiplie channels
$service->trigger(array('my-channel-1', 'my-channel-2'), 'my-event', array('key' => 'value'));

trigger method also supports a fourth parameter, which is the socket id to exclude a specific socket from receiving the message (more information here):

// Exclude socket '1234.1234'
$service->trigger('my-channel-1', 'my-event', array('key' => 'value'), '1234.1234');

Finally, trigger method also supports a fifth parameter which is used to make an asynchronous trigger. This means that it immediately returns to the client, without waiting for the response. By default, all trigger requests are done synchronously:

// Force the trigger to be asynchronous
$service->trigger('my-channel-1', 'my-event', array('key' => 'value'), '', true);

Pusher service also provides a shortcut for doing asynchronous requests with the triggerAsync method, as shown above:

$service->triggerAsync('my-channel-1', 'my-event', array('key' => 'value'));

Channel(s) information

You can fetch information about a single channel using the getChannelInfo method, with an optional array of information you want to retrieve (currently, Pusher API only supports user_count and subscription_count values:

$result = $service->getChannelInfo('my-channel', array('user_count'));

You can use the method getChannelsInfo to get information about multiple channels, optionally filtered by name. Like getChannelInfo, this method accepts an optional second parameter which is an array of information to retrieve.

// Get information about all channels whose name begins by 'presence-'
$result = $service->getChannelsInfo('presence-');

Presence channel users

You can retrieve all the users in a presence channel user using the getPresenceUsers method:

$result = $service->getPresenceUsers('presence-foobar');

Authenticate private channels

To authenticate a user against a private channel, call the authenticatePrivate method, with channel name and socket id. This method returns an array whose key is 'auth' and whose value is the signed authentication string. It's up to you to encode this as a JSON string (typically done in a controller in a MVC architecture) to return it to the client:

$result = $service->authenticatePrivate('private-channel', '1234.1234');

var_dump($result); // prints array('auth' => 'authentication-string')

Authenticate presence channels

To authenticate a user against a presence channel, call the authenticatePresence method, with channel name, socket id and user data. This method returns an array that contains values for auth and channel_data keys. It's up to you to encode this as a JSON string (typically done in a controller in a MVC architecture) to return it to the client:

$result = $service->authenticatePresence('presence-channel', '1234.1234', array('firstName' => 'Michael'));

var_dump($result); // prints array('auth' => 'authentication-string', 'channel_data' => '{"firstName":"Michael"}')

General authentication

For ease of use, service also has a generic authenticate method that choose the right method according to channel name:

$result = $service->authenticate('private-channel', '1234.1234');
$result = $service->authenticate('presence-channel', '1234.1234', array('firstName' => 'Michael'));

Advanced use

Error handling

When using the Pusher service, all exceptions that may occurred are handled, so that you can easily filter Pusher errors. All Pusher exceptions implement the ZfrPusher\Exception\ExceptionInterface:

use ZfrPusher\Exception\ExceptionInterface as PusherExceptionInterface;

try {
    $result = $service->getPresenceUsers('presence-foobar');
} catch (PusherExceptionInterface $e) {
    // Handle exception

Service instantiate concrete exceptions based on the error status code:

  • ZfrPusher\Service\Exception\UnauthorizedException: thrown when Pusher REST API returns a 401 error (not authorized).
  • ZfrPusher\Service\Exception\ForbiddenException: thrown when Pusher REST API returns a 403 error (when the application may be disabled, or when you have reached your messages quota).
  • ZfrPusher\Service\UnknownResourceException: thrown when Pusher REST API returns a 404 error (may occur when you ask information about an unknown channel, for instance)
  • ZfrPusher\Service\RuntimeException: thrown for any other errors.

In all cases, you can find more information about the error by calling php $exception->getMessage();.

Usage example:

use ZfrPusher\Exception\ExceptionInterface as PusherExceptionInterface;
use ZfrPusher\Service\Exception\ForbiddenException;

try {
    $result = $service->getPresenceUsers('presence-foobar');
} catch(ForbiddenException $e) {
    // Oops, we may have reached our messages quota... Let's do something!
} catch (PusherExceptionInterface $e) {
    // Any other Pusher exception...
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Any other non-Pusher exception...

Debug applications

In the official Pusher PHP client, you can attach a logger directly to the client through a set_logger method. While simple, this was a bad way of doing it as it was hard-coded into the client (and your logger had to have a log method, so your own logger may not have it). Furthermore, the places where logging occurred were hardcoded also.

Instead, ZfrPusher client takes advantage of an event manager to do this. For instance, let's say we want to log every URL BEFORE the request is sent. Let's first create a subscriber. A subscriber implements the interface Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface. In the getSubscribedEvents method, we attach a listener for the event request.before_send (you can find a complete list of available hooks here):


namespace Application\Logger;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class PusherLogger implements EventSubscriberInterface
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return array(
            'request.before_send' => array('log', -255)

     * Log something
     * @param  Event $event
     * @return void
    public function log(Event $event)
        $request = $event['request'];
        $url     = $request->getUrl();

        // Log the URL...

Next, we need to attach the subscriber to the client:

use ZfrPusher\Client\Credentials;
use ZfrPusher\Client\PusherClient;
use ZfrPusher\Service\PusherService;

$credentials = new Credentials('application-id', 'key', 'secret');
$client      = new PusherClient($credentials);

$client->addSubscriber(new PusherLogger());

$service = new PusherService($client);

And voilà, now all the URL will be logged.

Directly use the client

While the Pusher service is convenient, you may want to directly use the Pusher client instead, so that you can have better control of how requests are sent. You can do this:

use ZfrPusher\Client\Credentials;
use ZfrPusher\Client\PusherClient;

$credentials = new Credentials('application-id', 'key', 'secret');
$client      = new PusherClient($credentials);

// Let's do a trigger
$parameters = array(
    'event'     => 'my-event',
    'channel'   => 'my-channel',
    'data'      => array('key' => 'value'),
    'socket_id' => '1234.1234'

$command = $client->getCommand('Trigger', $parameters)

When using the client directly, the exceptions thrown when errors occurred are Guzzle exceptions, not Pusher exceptions. Therefore it is harder to filter Pusher only exceptions. If you want this feature, please use the service instead, or write your own wrapper around the Pusher client.