
This module adds the ability to link DataObjects in TinyMCE

Installs: 71

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 7

Watchers: 3

Forks: 9

Open Issues: 1



1.2 2018-03-13 10:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:36:17 UTC


Linkable DataObjects is a module that permit to link DataObjects from TinyMCE.


Pages are not always the better way to implement things. For example site news can grow rapidly and the first side effect would be a big and difficult to manage SiteTree. DataObjects help maintaining things clean and straight, but unfortunately they are not included in frontend search. This module let you insert DataObject in search.

This module add the ability to link DataObjects through TinyMCE, just like internal pages. The linkable DataObjects must obviously implement a Link() function.


  • SilverStripe >=3.1 <4.0


Install the module through composer:

composer require zirak/linkable-dataobjects
composer update

Make the DataObject implement Linkable interface (you need to implement Link(), LinkLabel(), link_shortcode_handler():

class DoNews extends DataObject implements Linkable {

	private static $db = array(
			'Title' => 'Varchar',
			'Subtitle' => 'Varchar',
			'News' => 'HTMLText',
			'Date' => 'Date',
	private static $has_one = array(
			'Page' => 'PghNews'

	* Link to this DO
	* @return string
 public function Link() {
	 return $this->Page()->Link() . 'read/' . $this->ID;

	* Label displayed in "Insert link" menu
	* @return string
 public static function LinkLabel() {
	 return 'News';

	* Replace a "[{$class}_link,id=n]" shortcode with a link to the page with the corresponding ID.
	* @param array  $arguments Arguments to the shortcode
	* @param string $content   Content of the returned link (optional)
	* @param object $parser    Specify a parser to parse the content (see {@link ShortCodeParser})
	* @return string anchor Link to the DO page
	* @return string
 static public function link_shortcode_handler($arguments, $content = null, $parser = null) {
	 if (!isset($arguments['id']) || !is_numeric($arguments['id'])) {

	 $id =  $arguments['id'];
	 $do = DataObject::get_one(__CLASS__, "ID=$id");

	 if (!$do) {
		 $do = DataObject::get_one('ErrorPage', '"ErrorCode" = \'404\'');
		 return $do->Link();

	 if ($content) {
		 return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $do->Link(), $parser->parse($content));
	 } else {
		 return $do->Link();

Here you are a sample page holder, needed to implement the Link() function into the DataObject:

class PghNews extends Page {

	private static $has_many = array(
			'News' => 'DoNews'

	public function getCMSFields() {
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields();

		/* News */
		$gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create(100);
		// Remove unlink
		// Add delete
		$gridFieldConfig->addComponents(new GridFieldDeleteAction());
		// Remove autocompleter
		$field = new GridField(
						'Faq', 'Faq', $this->News(), $gridFieldConfig
		$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.News', $field);

		return $fields;

class PghNews_Controller extends Page_Controller {

	private static $allowed_actions = array(

	public function read(SS_HTTPRequest $request) {
		$arguments = $request->allParams();
		$id = $arguments['ID'];

		// Identifico la faq dall'ID
		$Object = DataObject::get_by_id('DoNews', $id);

		if ($Object) {
			//Popolo l'array con il DataObject da visualizzare
			$Data = array($Object->class => $Object);
			$this->data()->Title = $Object->Title;

			$themedir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . SSViewer::get_theme_folder() . '/templates/';
			$retVal = $this->Customise($Data);
			return $retVal;
		} else {
			//Not found
			return $this->httpError(404, 'Not found');

Register your shortcode handlers in your _config.php

ShortcodeParser::get('default')->register('yournamespace_yourclass_link', array('YourNamespace\YourClass', 'link_shortcode_handler'));

Flush your cache and start linking your DataObjects.

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