Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Consolidated URI parsing and resolving
1 579 1
Unified dependency injection invoker
8 986 0
Bring colour to PHP
1 128 3
PSR6 / PSR16 cache handler
898 0
Easy access to system and environment info
16 214 2
PHP markup generation without the fuss
9 559 5
Simple CLI interactions
15 798 4
Reusable constraints for your PHP classes
16 594 2
Mime type detection tools
1 014 6
Automated static facades
30 259 3
PHP autoload management tools
7 253 0
Vite front end dev environment integration
1 178 0
Useful tools for building PHP libraries
Abandoned! See decodelabs/lucid
8 842 1