Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
JsonRpc SMD description
18 438 1
Convert jsonRPC smd schema to other formats
10 1
DTO and exceptions from JsonRpc 2.0 specification
170 0
GitHub copy of LaLit's XML2Array and Array2XML
8 019 0
Make job instance visibility in queue events
7 085 0
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4|5 via OCI8
18 0
PDO userspace driver proxying calls to PHP OCI8 driver
16 0
Integrates pinba + pinboard with Laravel
3 753 2
OpenRpc extension for tochka-developers/jsonrpc
655 5
Promises for Laravel queue jobs
12 092 19
Stomp protocol utils set
6 937 0
168 1
Task manager for Laravel
790 0
Russian Federation production calendar extension for Carbon
10 008 16