Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
AdminLTE for Laravel, FAR FROM READY!!!
73 0
An API rendering package for Laravel 5
22 3
Allow for easy addition of created_by and updated_by fields.
4 0
Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage for Laravel 5
20 304 12
An laravel implementation for Docmail.
3 735 2
Allow for dynamic blobbed settings in Eloquent models.
49 1
Add support for UUIDs to Eloquent
A collection of helpers for Laravel
35 0
A package boilerplate for Laravel
9 0
Package to use with Laravel.
63 0
A database translations implementation for Laravel 5.
5 195 54
API Wrapper for PHP to
22 0
A simple implementation of the Observer design pattern.
18 0 driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
37 3
PDF File Merger for PHP5, for usage with SetAsign FPDI.
367 0