Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
File upload with the Jaxon ajax PHP library
545 1
Utilities for the Jaxon library.
9 745 0
Jaxon library integration for the Yii Framework
1 019 1
Easy bookmarks manager.
20 0
Common classes for DbAdmin drivers.
384 0
DbAdmin driver for MySQL.
48 0
DbAdmin driver for PostgreSQL.
59 0
DbAdmin driver for SQLite.
47 0
Database management dashboard based on Jaxon and Adminer
109 0
Supervisor dashboard based on the Jaxon Ajax library
72 2
UI Builder helpers for Jaxon custom attributes.
17 0
Log messages formatters for Monolog 2.
108 0
Call Symfony services using facades.
17 906 13
The Laravel Framework.
171 10
Twitter feed based on the Jaxon ajax library.
435 1