Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
A library of API components to interact with external APIs.
1 755 0
Structure implementation for Cleverreach.
8 0
Structure implementation for IDnow.
12 0
Structure implementation for Mailchimp.
Structure implementation for Rapidmail.
Edd payment class for inheritance in payment gateways.
182 0
496 0
An API library for trustedshops
488 0
Awesome file functionality.
103 0
Awesome mail functionality. Easy and clean mail creation and transportation.
72 0
Awesome template functionality. Easy and clean text template handling.
2 0
Awesome Lib - Tools
88 0
Awesome Lib - WP
18 0
Awesome WP Plugin
43 0
Wrapping WordPress for more beautiful code.
390 1