Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
OAuth2 provider for the Symfony Security component
73 0
CLI commands for Pimple applications
21 532 12
Monolog handler for ZMQ
830 1
Cross-site HTTP requests middleware for Silex
4 834 3
Test code examples in PHP comments
752 9
Option & Result types
1 371 16
Be notified of objects being destroyed
13 0
ressource lock
222 308 28
redis lock
65 680 6
Make comparing Value Objects easier & safer
0 0
Integrates the Whoops library into Pimple
131 333 5
A helper for parsing Docker link environment variables.
18 930 1
Validate json data with json-schema
4 830 0
Authenticate Mediawiki from external OAuth2 server
44 1
4 237 5