Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Transform coordinates between swedish RT90, SWEREF99 and WGS84
40 0
Chainable file stream writer with insert support
743 1
Option object for PHP inspired by Rust
548 855 42
Immutable validatable record
3 895 3
Result object for PHP inspired by Rust
547 899 107
Parses serialized PHP things to an AST
48 0
Serialization templating
1 100 0
Eloquent anonymized (de)serialization
4 610 1
Anonymized (de)serialization
33 0
Snapper library's master schema
116 0
Create random XML with the help of fzaniotto/Faker.
1 546 8
Stream large XML files with low memory consumption.
41 731 51
Stream large XML files with low memory consumption
2 528 904 361
Stream provider for Guzzle for use with xml-string-streamer
305 966 17