Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Memcached Textpattern CMS templates
10 2
Assets minifier for Textpattern CMS
4 2
Adds no-cache HTTP headers to Textpattern CMS admin pages
3 1
Custom article parmlinks for Textpattern CMS
Configure admin-side user-group privileges
16 3
Iterator tags for Textpattern CMS templates
31 1
Search and replace plugin for Textpattern CMS
70 1
Diagnose Textpattern CMS template execution times
0 1
XML sitemap plugin for Textpattern CMS
73 8
Links module for rah_sitemap
9 0
Swap Textpattern CMS database on the fly
2 2
Manage Textpattern CMS admin-side tabs
Web terminal plugin for Textpattern
24 2
Markdown module for rah_terminal
7 0
Textile module for rah_terminal
24 0