Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Varnish integration for the CMS of a Ride application
1 210 0
Version control integration for the CMS content of a Ride application
3 663 0
Base widget for the CMS application of the Ride framework
5 366 0
Automatic notification of cookie usage in a Ride application
323 0
Live documentation of a Ride application
3 365 0
Form library integration in the web interface of the Ride framework
5 228 0
Tags row for the form library of the Ride framework
4 007 0
CKEditor form integration of the Ride framework
137 0
TinyMCE form integration of the Ride framework
25 0
I18n library integration in the web interface of the Ride framework
4 302 0
I18n locale cookie integration in the web interface of the Ride framework
171 0
Ride module to expose the i18n translator to javascript
3 708 0
Inline translator
631 0
Image library integration for a Ride web application
4 677 0
Image processor UI for a Ride web application