Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Favicon widget for Yii2
60 602 15
Yii2 module for file management
285 10
Asset Bundle for Yii2 with Font Awesome
3 403 239 159
Yii 2 Asset bundle with Imperavi WYSIWYG redactor
331 3
Asset Bundle for Yii2 with Ionicon
59 728 7
Yii2 View component with auto minification css & js in runtime
247 248 196
Mail module for Yii2.
11 765 29
Migration Extension for Yii2.
161 5
Yii2 Pug (ex Jade) extension
5 633 8
Extension for RBAC rules update for Yii2
17 246 7
Yii2 error handler rollbar
2 358 6
Asset Bundle for Yii2 with Socicon
278 6
Extension for yii2 ulogin integration
11 323 19
Extension for yii2 encryption algorithm XXTEA
275 8
GeoIP helper for Yii2
Abandoned! See geoip2/geoip2
3 425 30