Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Agile API - Extensible API server in PHP for Agile Data
3 713 14
Agile Data - Audit Extension
9 050 2
Chart.js for Agile UI
12 879 12
Agile Core - collection of PHP Traits for designing object-oriented frameworks
1 964 475 20
Agile Data - Database access abstraction framework
1 454 465 275
Integration between ATK UI Form Upload Field and PHP Flysystem
25 803 10
Google Place interface for address form.
8 589 3
Symfony Translation component Interface for Atk4
7 377 4
Agile Toolkit Add-ons for invoice.
386 5
Login and User module for Agile UI
18 334 29
Multi-level CRUD system component for ATK UI
9 678 10
Agile UI - Web Component Framework written in PHP
490 340 451
Agile Data - Validator add-on
8 085 4
30 0
Documenting tools for Agile Toolkit
106 0